I have a client who produces estimates and quotes for jobs. Before starting any work he askes for a 50% payment up front and then asks for the balance on delivery.
As with all things, his clients will change their minds mid order. Adding things, taking things off, etc. The balance figure is rarely 50% of the original estimate.
How do you or your clients track these changes and invoice the correct amount? One of the things my client told me recently, which was quite worrying, was that he often forgets to invoice for the balance as he has no procedure in place to trigger/prompt him into action.
Would a simple spreadsheet surfice? Although in this case I suspect it wouldn't due to the (extreemly) complicated nature of the estimates. Please proove me wrong as this seems like the obvious and most cost effective route to reccomend.
I've been looking online for software solutions as well, and although there seems to be lots available, it all seems slanted towards service industries and not manufacturing.
Any advice greatly appreciated!
my blog "the bookkeeper's in town - learning the hard way"
I use a software called Amphis Customer. It's fairly cheap at around £100. As well as the normal CRM stuff, it does job tracking, costing and invoicing. I don't really use the feature but have had a look at it and it certainly would appear ideal for the type of thing you are talking about.