Just to satisfy my own curiosity, I am going to pose a scenario based on a real life situation to see if anyone has opinion as to the legalities.
A new company (Ltd) started trading and took on several employees at the beginning of Feb. Due to changes in circumstances, several were made redundant, including a pregnant woman, who at the time of her redundancy was just into 15 weeks (last week). So as far as I can see if she continued in employment she would have been due maternity leave from next week. Due to another sudden change in circumsatnce she has been asked to do some days this week and may be for a few weeks' that after too. In affect she has been made reduntant ( no reduncy paid as such, just what would have been owed) then immediatley re-employed albeit for an unknown period (P45 was filed with HMRC last week). Whilst there is no suspiscion of these events being a way of avoiding maternity costs. Should she be entitled to maternity leave/ pay? Would this be classed as continuous employment?