You may be aware that I posted a link previously for this exhibition we are attending in London on 22nd & 23rd November 2012
Here is another link which explains a bit more about what we do.
Even if what we do is not relevant to your practice / business (we only work with Sage) I recommend you take a look at what else is going on over the 2 days.
Dont be shy.... Come and say hello to us on stand A520...
"Quite simply the best add on for Sage we have ever invested in.."
Want to see what all the fuss is about? Click here: OptegraMRP
Tell us what kind of businesses will your software suit best. I mean there are no one software that has got the potential to canter for different kinds of business streams like, Manufacturing, Retail, Service, Mining & Exploration etc...
Our applications only work with Sage 50 and Sage instant which is a personal choice They generate advanced reporting and other tools from the live Sage data to enable better understanding of the financial information.
It works for Sage users who want quick, advanced reporting at the click of a button. It is used currently by Accounting Firms, Bookkeepers and FD's all around the UK (and a couple overseas..) for them to add value and identify discussion opportunities with their clients such as tax planning, margin reviews and business performance . Although this may be possible through other means it can be timely and require complex setup or manual intervention.
OptegraMRP is the simplest user interface, with just 3 buttons, no setup or chart mapping - there is nothing else like it
So, in response to your question re business streams, if Sage works for you, MRP will too...!
Hope that helps
"Quite simply the best add on for Sage we have ever invested in.."
Want to see what all the fuss is about? Click here: OptegraMRP