OK, this is a silly niggly problem but it's bugging me.
I do a wages journal once a week and have the autocomplete function without numbers switched on. There were two employees but one left and I can't delete this employee from the journal completely, only by deleting that row. I have tried turning off autocomplete, reconstructing the next journal then turning it back on afterwards but the following journal still has the ex-employee on. Any suggestions?
Do you always use the same transaction details? If you do, try changing it slightly at the beginning. Try turning auto complete off first, then back on afterwards
It is sometimes a bit difficult to overide the auto complete entries, other than the way you are doing it but by changing the details it might not pick it up
Thanks Bill. I start off putting 13/ and it lists all the previous weeks eg 13/weeks 1- 29 . I overtype week 29 to week 30, press enter and it brings up the journal with the transaction details but blank amounts (as I want) but there is no way of getting rid of the ex employee details other than deleting that row before saving. I then reappears the following week.
I think you are saying type in (say) 2013/week 30 and enter the details manually and turn on autocomplete. I can see the sense in that and it would obviously work in this case but it's a lot of faffing about if you had regular turnover of staff.