Hi all. I am ploughing my way through bank statements from 01/05/12 as I enter them (manually) on to Sage. I have two questions here. I have already entered all the supplier payments and recurring transactions as well as transfers. I am left with wages( found answer in one of the treads) and bills.
Q.1. Can I possibly export the rest of the payments (no e-banking I am afraid) onto sage. The Sage import wizard doesn't seem to be performing bank payments transfers.
Q.2. What is the best way of recording utility bills? as bank payments or payments to suppliers (creating accounts for each on sage then inputting invoices ). As of this moment I am not bothered with setting Acrurals & prepayments as all taransactions already happened and just need transfering onto sage. However if I am wrong here please advice.
For the utility bills, though, the best way to do it will vary according to the nature of the bills and payments. If, for example, you receive a monthly bill, which is paid by direct debit, I'd be inclined to enter a bank payment when the bill comes in. On the other hand, if you're paying a fixed monthly amount, but receive the bill quarterly, I'd be inclined to post the bills as an invoice to a supplier account, and post the monthly payments against that, which means you have an ongoing balance on the supplier account which should match the amounts carried forward on the bill.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Hi VinceH Thank you for your reply to my second question. In relation to question 1 I need to enter bank payments (supplier payments already on a system as well as recurring transactions) for the period of seven months. Was wondering if it can be imported from excel. Sorry it is a silly question.
When you go into the import wizard, you should be able to pick 'Audit Trail Transactions', select the Excel file, and then map columns in the Excel file to appropriate fields that Sage requires.
However, you mentioned "bank payments transfers" originally. I wonder, therefore, if your bank payments also include bank transfers (ie to another bank account)? If so, that's your stumbling block because, in Sage, these aren't entered as payments, but instead as journals (well, being pedantic, they're entered as bank transfers, but they're recorded as journals). That means they have to be imported as journals, as well - so if you have a bank transfer as a single line in your payments spreadsheet, it has to become two lines for the import; one a credit to the account it's coming from, the other a debit to the destination account.
While you can include any valid transaction type that can be imported (IIRC the only ones that can't be imported are PP & SR, which have to be PA & SA instead) in the same file, it's probably easier to deal with payments and transfers separately - so if I'm guessing right, and you do have payments and transfers in the same file, you might find it easier if you can separate them out first into two files; import the payments, then change the transfers so that they are on two lines (one the credit from the source account, the other the debit to the destination account) and import that. (Make sure you get the debits and credits right, though - and note that it's the transaction type; JD/JC that marks them as debits and credits - the amounts remain in the same column!)
Sorry if that all sounds vague and lacking in specific detail - which probably makes it sound more complicated than it is - but I don't have Sage open at the moment* (and, of course, I'm only guessing at what you have). Always take a backup before doing anything like this, anyway, so if it goes all FUBAR, you can just restore the backup, and try again with slightly different settings.
* To hell with Sage. The Hobbit is showing at the cinema. I'm orf!
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)