Hi, I am new to book keeping and have started working with sage line 50.
I have entered the supplier invoices, but on making payments - am going into bank and clicking on supplier, so far ok. Because the payments have not been logged as they have been made I am attempting to enter from the bank statements so need to chnage the date that the payment went out. However when I am clicking on the save button window keeps popping up invalid date and have tried changing format but nothing doing and it is not letting me save the payment.
The date format is DD / MM / YYYY - ie if it's the 31st January, 2012, you have to enter 31/01/2012* and not 01/31/2012, for example - that would cause an invalid date error. The bottom line is that the day part can only contain 01 to 28/29/30/31 depending on the number of days in the month, and the month part can only contain 01 to 12. Any numbers outside this range causes the error.
* Shortcuts are available. If it's a date in the current month, you can just enter the DD part (or even just one digit if it's the 1st to the 9th) and it'll fill it in with the current month and year, and if it's a date in the current year but not the current month, you can just enter DD/MM (or just the first digit of the month if it's January to September) and it'll fill in the year. However, if you are going as far as entering the month, you must use the whole two digits for the day - so for 1st March, you would have to enter 01/3.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)