I'm going into stealing Rooftop solar panels.... Already have a few addresses to visit around the Manchester area.
We had our water changed over to a meter and it saved us a fortune. God knows how. we have baths not showers and don't try to save water but converting knocked a couple of hundred pounds a year off our water bill.
I've found that divorce can save you a fortune in credit card statements full of receipts from shoe shops. (I'm a bloke. If at any time I hav two pairs of shoes there is something wrong).
More seriously though, good call on the insurance Amanda. Under the hood it's actually through Zurich so sound PII from a quality insurer.
all the best,
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We swapped home insurance 2 years ago and saved a fortune, hubby checked it again last year and the no one could beat their premium so we stuck with them. Its car insurance next for me, its due in Feb so I will be scouring the internet again! I normally change it every year, its such a rip off anyway.
We looked at Solar panels, but the roof doesn't lend its self very well to it so we have abandoned it. I have a friend and they are a large family and they don't reckon they have enough panels to have decent supply of hot water, so make sure you get plenty of panels fitted.
My new years resolution is to cut back on bills, so I will be going through my household spreadsheet with a fine tooth comb, and then also I need to loose a stone in weight, so I may join Wieghtwatchers on line!
Shaun, we have just had a water meter fitted, they became compulsory in our area, so when it goes live I am looking forward to saving some money, we normally all have showers, my youngest spends the longest in there so I was going to buy an egg timer to hurry him along! He has no concept of time and is so slow, we only live round the corner from school and he arrives 1 minute before the bell goes.
I must be doing something wrong with the credit card, as I don't go shoe shopping, infact I hate shopping, I get bored and then come on home. I went 'Sale shopping' the other day after seeing a new client, I lasted 1 hour, got bored didn't see anything I wanted, (was looking for furniture), and then it rained so I came home.