if you have already entered your wages journals you should have your PAYE/NI and wages liabilties entered. You just need to enter bank payments to these codes to remove the liabilities 2210/2211 etc.
The wages expense has already been entered with your journal so you dont want to be posting to the 7000s.
Nick Craggs FMAAT ACA AAT Distance Learning Manager
Thanks. A bit of a pain in my case as I entered PAYE and NI on separate Control accounts as per your message 2210/2211. But I can see from the bank statements they are paid in one lamp sum. I wish there was a function on sage to pay journals similar to Supplier paymnts where you just click allocate amounts. Ho hum!
One more question. I enter journal from figures from Payroll department. The way it works is that there's around 3 weeks delay between net wages pay and Payroll update. So I have net wages for December on bank statement but no figures for PAYE & NI . I suppose it won't matter if I enter bank payment for net wages 2210 first and then enter the journal when I get update from Payroll?