I'm using Sage 50 Accountant Professional. I have a question and would be grateful if someone can advise me. I've previously raised customer new credits without a problem. Two sales invoices for the same customer were raised for the same amounts and posted but only one of the invoices should have been raised and posted. To cancel one of the invoices I raised a new customer credit for the same amount and posted it. Although the customer has paid for the goods and the money has been received in the bank. It's showing in the customer invoice list as red and now I can't raise any more new credits for any customer even if it's for a new customer. Can someone kindly advise what I may have done wrong please.
Slightly confused. Do you mean: The invoice was entered twice, and the duplicate credited, but the customer then paid both invoices - meaning the customer account is showing a credit balance?
If so, you don't need to enter a[nother] credit - that will only make matters worse. You need to either refund the overpayment, or leave it standing and offset it from their next invoice. (To post a refund, look at the tasks on the left hand side of the window when in the customer ledger; one should say refund.)
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Thank you for your reply once again. The sales invoice was posted twice by mistake. It should have been posted once. The customer paid once. There will not be anymore invoices for this customer. I've had another look at the customers account and there are two invoices and two credit notes and one payment from the customer. The account is showing a negative amount of 375. If I post another invoice will this correct the problem?
Okay, so what you've done is posted the credit note twice to cancel the duplicate invoice, instead of just once. In that case, simply post another invoice (purely internal - don't send it to the customer). The account should then show three invoices, two credits and one payment, and that should clear it.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Please note that I have just cleaned up the other five occurences of the same post.
For future reference all posts get picked up by the site regulars regardless of their categorisation as we tend to use the recent posts button rather than going into the specific categories.
kind regards,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
It worked the balance is zero. Thank you so much. For some reason in the customer side, when I choose new credit it does not allow me to raise a new credit note. I've gone into the settings tab - Invoice and Order Defaults then options and changed the number for credit starts from ( number 16) to 20 and I've also tried 90000 but it still will not allow me to create a credit note. Nothing happens when you press New Credit. Do you know what could be causing the problem?