I am running a TB in QB, but the TB isn't showing all the items and figures that I was expecting - please can someone help me understand why this could be?
Note that i have not closed prior year in QB - could this be impacting this....?
You don't need to close off the year in QB, not like Sage. QB will do it automatically, so I doubt this is the problem. As Kris said, a little more information would be helpful
In the trial balance report clieck 'customise report'. Click advanced and change display rows and display columns to 'all'. Click OK. Then go to the filters tab and make sure 'all accounts' is selected from the drop down box. Make sure your date range is correct and then refresh the report.
If they are in the COA and set up properly, then they should be in the tB. In the COA make sure the right had column labelled 'TYPE' is set up correctly for each item in the COA. eg, all expense accounts should be under 'expense', all bank accounts should be under 'bank' etc. If they are all set up correctly I don't see how they wouldn't be in the TB.