I am undecided what to get. I currently have a blackberry curve which I have had for about 3 years, its recently had a few hiccups and recently lost a couple of functions, not quite sure how its happened but its annoyed me. I don't use it to its full extent, but am finding I am using it more and more for business, also my tariff is rubbish hence why I am thinking of changing the whole thing.
Any suggestions, I have looked up them both on the net and done comparisons, and hubby has the iphone 5 and loves it, although he didn't find it easy setting it up, that may just be him!
I really do like the look of the new blackberry, and I am tempted, one thing though I know its not everyone's cup of tea but I really like the quirky keyboard on the blackberry and can more or less text without looking (probably because I can type and its a similar keyboard).
My son has got a Galazy (I think), and he likes it but the battery life is pants.
Any suggestions anyone as to which way I should go. I will be looking to get a 2 year contract, or which ever way it the cheapest way to go.
lol, I've got an old Samsung E600. The back button doesn't work and the battery life is, well lets say irregular. Had it since 2007 and still love it as it seems to do everything including act as my alarm clock.
But. I know it's on borrowed time so like yourself I've been looking at alternatives which seem to come down to the Blackberry (as Virgin Mobile have really good deals on those) and the Samsung S3 (which Bill pointed me at) which has a ridiculous quad core intel processor... in a phone.... Sorry, got to say that again... in a phone!
The thing that puts me off the Blackberry is the size of the keys. Even with a normal size keyboard you've seen the number of mistake my chunky fingers make and much as I try I can't blame all of it on dyslexia.
That said, back in the 90's I used to have Psion 3 pocket computers and went through the same conundrum over key size until I realised that you do not use them like normal keyboard but rather have eight fingers underneath and use only your thumbs for typing. Is the blackberry similar to that? If so it may have advantage over the S3 in that it does have a keyboard but not a keyboard that (initially) existing typing skills help too much with.
As for battery life of phones, remember that with many the phones come with a starter battery which keeps the unit slim but there is generally an option for a larger alternative (which basically doubles the width of the phone).
interested to see which way you go and hear your report on whichever option you finally decide on.
all the best,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I have a nokia windows phone and it is perfect for me. It does all the media/games stuff that the IPhone does, except the maps are so much better and dont come with a warning about "Life Threatening Maps" from the Australian police, unlike the IPhone.
But it also comes with Microsoft office and skydrive which i find really usefull. For example i was at my parents the other week, and i brought up there accounts which were in progress. I was able to bring up the excel spreadsheet of unknown bankings which was stored on my skydrive account, make a few adjustments, save it, and when i went back to my laptop the updated spreadsheet was there to use.
Nick Craggs FMAAT ACA AAT Distance Learning Manager
Well thats just sounds too advanced for me Nick!!!
The new blackberry I really like but it doesn't had the quirky keyboard that I love. How do you all get on with the touch keyboard on the screen. I am so undecided!!! MY blackberry has had its day, the text's keep freezing and I have lost some emails and now I can't store photographs, even after deleting the rubbish ones I can't store any more.
Nick, I have seen it advertised on tv, but haven't looked at it on the net yet. Maybe I will now you have mentioned it.
the Samsung S3 (which Bill pointed me at) which has a ridiculous quad core intel processor...
Mentioning Intel there is an insult to all that is geeky. They're nothing to do with it, apart from being somewhat envious because their processors are a long way from matching the combined power and efficiency of ARM.
The processor in the SIII is an ARM based device which I think was produced by Samsung themselves.
ARM themselves don't make processors, they design them and licence the designs out for other companies to make and build upon. And the original ARM, of course, was designed by the clever people at Acorn Computers.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Actually, on the whole Intel thing that doesn't win any brownie points with me at all as I'm an AMD / ATI bod when it comes to my machines, I was more stunned by the bit about it being a quad core in a phone.... Seems like dropping a turbo charged V12 in a Fiat 500.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I got rid of my IPhone and now have a Samsung Galaxy 3. I charge it every other day, whereas my other half iPhone 5 has to be charged all the time. My main reason for switching was cost. Not only did the phone cost less, but I also got a cheaper contract than my old iPhone contract. (50%cheaper)
Yesterday I had a puncture on the M25 on my way to an important meeting. I was able to attend using voice conferencing on my phone, while the car was recovered, temporary wheel put on, drive to Kwick fit and the new wheelput on, andthen I finished at a service station to thevend of the meeting. A total of over 2 hours! I could never do that with the iPhone, had I been able to get ok reception, it would never let me use it as a phone for that long before the battery died.
The other half admits he likes my galaxy but he's a iPhone snob, but he is tempted.....
-- Edited by YLB-HO on Friday 8th of February 2013 07:54:13 PM
I've been a Blackberry girl for a while but was looking to get an iPhone until I was told about the Blackberry Z10. I've had it for a few days now and I love it. Although the keyboard is touch screen, it doesn't take long to get used to. I don't really use my phone for internet or apps etc but just really for emails, calls and texting. I love the fact the Blackberry hub has all your messages in one place or you can access them individually. It's very slick and easy to use. There is loads of stuff on there that I haven't explored yet but I'm glad I stuck with the Blackberry.
The battery has only been lasting about a day but because it's new I have been on it constantly, playing with it and downloading apps.
Hi Thanks Frauke and Zoe, I must admit I had a conversation today with someone about the new blackberry Z10 and I cam getting more tempted, hubby has the iphone and I like it but I don't think enough to make me have one. This is my job for the weekend to check all three of the above mentioned and then decide.
Thanks everyone for your input, its nice to know other peoples views.
I have only recently got a smart phone, having only ever wanted a basic dumb phone before (never wanted one with a camera etc, just on that was robust and reliable). As I now do a lot more work away from my office, i found i need to get to emails, internet etc (and take/ make phone calls) remotely.
After a lot of research I opted for the Galaxy Note (I). As I previously mentioned to Shaun, it is a bit taller and wider (but wafer thin) than the competition but that does allow for an enormous screen for reading emails and browsing, and when in phone mode the touch screen keypad is large (no need to put on glasses, or strain the eyes). It also has a built in stylus, which I find quicker to use than my digits.
Being a bloke I dont often have any sort of bag with me, so carrying it can be a bit awkward but it does fit in to jeans pockets OK (if they are not too tight). Because I do a fair bit of rough activity I decided to armour plate mine, with an "Otterbox" cover, which has made it even bigger but it is wrapped in three layers of shock proof materials. It also comes with a heavy duty cradle which acts as a belt fixing, and a desk stand. the whole thing comes of quite easily, if required though.
Galaxy Note II is now available (typically a few weeks after I got Note I) but it looks very similar.
Edit: I forgot top mention battery life. I tend to charge mine every two/ three days. That's usually after a lot of browsing, and moderate phone calls. A thirty minute call does not make the battery monitor move at all.
-- Edited by Wella on Saturday 9th of February 2013 12:04:58 PM
Well everyone I have just ordered my new Blackberry Z10. Thought I'd give it a crack as hubby has iphone 5 it will be nice to compare the 2. My old blackberry curve is on its last legs so well over due for an upgrade.
Thanks for all the input, its a mine field out there when trying to choose a phone.
Well everyone I have just ordered my new Blackberry Z10. Thought I'd give it a crack as hubby has iphone 5 it will be nice to compare the 2. My old blackberry curve is on its last legs so well over due for an upgrade.
Thanks for all the input, its a mine field out there when trying to choose a phone.
Hi Amanda
Let us know how you get on with the Z10, like you I have a curve which I really like but I also have a torch as my personal phone. So will be great to hear how it goes.
Just letting you know that despite inially loving my Samsung Galaxy 3, I don't any more. I've had it 5 months and all of a sudden it takes days to charge to 100% and only hours to drain. I find it impossible to use on any automated telephone system (like Oranges, who the contract is with) because it keep going into sleep mode before I can press any of the keys!!!!!
I need to talk to someone at Orange, and after wasting 20 min and several calls did things I did not want to do because I agreed to the wrong options - I cancelled the Direct Debit. Perhaps now I can get someone to speak to me.
Well thought I'd let you all know how I am getting on with my Z10. Took a while to get use to the touch tone and I still don't know how to download apps (my son does it for me), but I have to say its really growing on me, love the fact the screen is larger, emails really easy to read. Texts took abit of getting use it and kept sending half a text and then sending a 2nd one with the remaining of the conversation on it. But over all a good phone so far, my son prefers it to hubby's iphone 5.
I was just offered a Z10 by my provider, but waiting for the Q10 which is due out soon as it has a proper keyboard. I already have an S3 for personal use but find touchscreens too slow for typing long emails.
OMG I wish I had waited for that one, i just love those keyboards. Mined you my old one was so knackered I had to replace it pretty quickly. My old one had lasted 3 years which is pretty good.
Let us know how you get on with it when you get it.
Yup, Iphone all the way for me, too... Apple TV, Icloud, Airplay, FaceTime.. my family all have the same. We can watch each others films and TV series using Apple TV.... and communicating is free between u, even when sending photos. We can even tell where the other one is, using Find My Friends - great for keeping track of my precious teenager. I can even get a notification when my sister leaves her house, meaning she in on her way to mine, and I need to get the wine out! Mum likes to know when we are home safe too, so no need for 3 rings ;) (Yes, we are a sad family but we love it!)
Add that to my calender, my reminders To Do list, notes, Itrip for car music, online banking apps, you name it.... its just a really well thought out piece of kit that has endless possibilities that are all user friendly....
My only bug bear.. it doesn't do the ironing.... yet!