I need to raise a vat only invoive on sage line 50? How is the best way to do this ? Every time i try i have to put a net amount in , it wontlet me just do the vat ?? Can anyone help please ?
When you're raise the invoice, double click on the line on which you would type in the invoice details, etc. This opens a new dialogue box into which you can enter more details for that line - but it's also more versatile; in this dialogue you can enter the VAT without a net amount.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
I didn't have Sage running this morning, so my explanation was from memory.
However, trying it now and I can see that (apart from my slightly strange "when you're raise" mistake - I think I was still asleep), my memory was correct.
In more detail:
Go to Customers and click "Invoice List"
Click New/Edit invoice to begin raising your VAT-only invoice
Enter the basic information in the fields at the top - customer reference, date, etc.
Type in whatever detail you want on the first line
Double click on that line to open the "Edit Line Item" window. Note: You EITHER have to double click on the text you've entered, or the actual editable amount text in the Amount, Net and VAT fields to open the window, OR single click on the little arrow at the right end of the Details field; that arrow only appears after you click into the field itself - and a quick check shows this is buggy in the version I'm using; the arrow doesn't respond until something has been entered.
Once the "Edit Item Line" window is open, though, it does allow the input of a VAT with no Net amount; do that, click "Ok" and that should be that.
It's worked like this for many, many years. There may be subtle differences in older versions - eg that little arrow may or may not be there, or it might allow you to double click anywhere on the line in some versions - but the basic functionality has been in Sage (50 and Instant) for many, many years.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)
Vince Thank you very much , as i have a rush job on to get two large vat only invoices by lunch time!! I will do that and thank you again for your helpx
Thanks it must be me , but i have tried every way and went through step by step from your instructions, but the vat box is greyed out on mine. If i change the amount on the tax rate i can then open that box and amend, but the invoices shows a net amount of 37000.00 , but i wanted that amount to appear in the vat box and not the net, i have tried everything.
Okay, I think I know what the problem is likely to be.
Make sure you save any transactions etc you are in the middle of entering, and close any open Sage windows. Then go to the top menu on Sage, and click Settings, the Company Preferences. In the window that appears, click on the VAT tab. In the topmost section, there is a tick-box labelled "Item VAT Amendable" - I suspect it's ticked on your system. Untick it, then click OK at the bottom of the window.
You should then be able to do the VAT only invoice as I described above.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)