I am trying to download the MLR100 form from the HMRC website but cannot seem to get it to work. I've downloaded the lastest version of adobe and it still doesn't work.
Can anyone email me a form over? I have got some potential work pending and need to get myself covered. I'm also getting my PII cover sorted tomorrow so I'll be legal and ready to roll.
Nope it still having none of it. Very bizarre as I never have problems with pdf. I've recently done a couple of Self Assessments and saved them as pdf's. It doesn't make sense.
It is a weird pdf. It says there is only one page but you click down the bottom and go to the next page. Then you fill in some details and click to go to the next page. So you can't print it without filling in the details.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Its not downloading. When you click on it a message comes up saying wait for page to load or something like that and nothing happens. I don't know how else to try and retrieve it and I am pretty desperate to get it done. I've already done some work and haven't got the cover so I am conscious that I need to get it completed and get myself legal and in order. I have some more work coming up hopefully next week. I'm going to get my Professional Indemnity tomorrow through Arlington so at least I will have insurance but HMRC say you should not do any work until you have the MLR in place. I work full time so will struggle to phone them other than lunch time. My bookkeeping business is just a very small part time venture operating in the evenings and weekends.
Managed to open the document. I had to click on the pdf symbol in the browser bar and ask it to open the file. I had a feeling it would be me being thick.