Cut off by HMRC. 40 minute wait to Sage. No payrolls have been ran! I feel like I'm going mad.
The majority of payrolls I haven't received info back for so I don't know the date they pay their staff or whether employees personal information is accurate. Some have a different processing date to the date they actually pay their staff so do I just change the processing date to suit the FPS and miss out periods?
And if I just left the processing date as it is and 'pretend' all staff are paid on that day, would HMRC actually know that its not? I mean are they going to start checking bank accounts etc?
One client has changed his payment date at the last minute to each friday which means week 1's FPS needed to be submitted on Friday 5th. How would I correct this.
Another client has only told me today that although the payroll is processed monthly, he actually pays his staff weekly.
My sage system is also not showing FPS options that apparently should be there even after running the new update disk and downloads for the new tax year.
Take a deep breath and solve the problems one at a time.
The client who pays employees weekly but calculates PAYE/NI monthly can continue to file monthly until October (by HMRC concession). After October they will have to file weekly, which will be virtually impossible to do unless they start processing PAYE/NI weekly.
I would assume on the SAge payroll that you can't submit a FPS on Friday 5th as that's the old tax year and it starts from 6th. Maybe you need to send a letter out stating that RTI needs to be processed before payday and say that your company accepts NO responsibility if they pay on different dates etc, then at least you are covered.
I believe there has been quite a few problems with Sage, maybe its time to change to 12Pay. I love 12 Pay and their support over the past week with me has been fantastic, I can't fault them.
I know others not just on here that have had problems with Sage so it sounds like their software just isn't up to the job at the moment.
HMRC has another interesting concession ,which is that if week 1 payments are made before the start of the PAYE year (which can happen where a week is paid before the end of the working week) you don't have to file week 1. You can file week 2 as your first payment submission.