My company has lots of casual workers. the regular staff number is 8. but sometimes we have over 9 staff. So I think I can not use the Free HMRC RIT basic tool. I pay them weekly.
Can anyone sugguest a cheap but practical payroll software for me Please!
Moneysoft Payroll Manager 20 (Up to 20 employees - £56 + VAT) There are other versions available for up to 100/250 employees and multiple companies. I have used this myself for a few years and can recommend it.
12Pay (Up to 30 employees - £59.90 + VAT, or £49.90 + VAT if three years taken out) Again, there are other versions available for multiple companies or more employees. Others on this forum will recommend this and Tom McClelland (? spelling) from 12Pay regularly visits this forum to help out with payroll queries.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Moneysoft Payroll Manager 20 (Up to 20 employees - £56 + VAT) There are other versions available for up to 100/250 employees and multiple companies. I have used this myself for a few years and can recommend it.
12Pay (Up to 30 employees - £59.90 + VAT, or £49.90 + VAT if three years taken out) Again, there are other versions available for multiple companies or more employees. Others on this forum will recommend this and Tom McClelland (? spelling) from 12Pay regularly visits this forum to help out with payroll queries.