Personally I'm now waiting eagerly for Season 3 of Game of Thrones to hit DVD and series 3 of Suits to be shown on Dave (Bought series 2 on DVD today as cannot imagine Thursday evenings without my fix of the wranglings at Pearson Hardman).
So, any wish list for other series to return Michelle?
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Just realised. Site member now for 11 days and already 114 posts.... Also considering the size of some of your responses and tendency to go off piste I'm beginning to think that the sites found another me ;)
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They were going to make a film and so ended season 8 with him just disappearing again... I watched series 8 after I knew there was no film to carry on the tale... And I thought that was it.. So thank goodness. And hopefully this series will bring a great conclusion.
I started series 3 of damages... Must pick that up again.
Season 2 of Person of Interest was immense, so can't wait for series 3..
Still haven't seen any of CSI Miami final series.. And New York will be pushing one more out, I think.
And then there's Whitechapel - series 4 - not sure what's happening with that. Doesn't appear to be in production yet.
I see that day 9 of 24 will be a limited run with just 13 episodes. I wonder how that will work. It'll be interesting to see. I'm also looking forward to the final season of Dexter.
Dexter is one of the great many shows that the mrs tells me I'll like, I say I don't fancy it but watch it anyway and end up loving it. The others on the list are 24, Bones and Body of Proof. She failed with Hannibal, I couldn't get into that. But I do like White Collar and liked season 1 and 2 of Prison Break, couldn't take to season 3 though.
Watching Bates Motel at the moment, Hannibal was a bit of a let down i agree Kris. Funny how the ladies have taken to Dexter as my missus also loves it.
Anybody watched The Following with Kevin Bacon? or The Americans?
Thankfully the guys at Fox seem to be trying to support my study time by kindly cancelling all of the shows that I get into so if anyone is seriously into any shows just send an envelope stuffed with used twenties to the usual address and I'll promise not to watch your favorite programs.
For anyone that was into Firefly or the Sarah Connor chronicles or Ally McBeal I cannot appologise enough for being hooked on those shows. I even tried to keep it secret but Fox just know that I'm watching TV when I should be studying, or working, or talking to you good people on here.
Also seems that the BBC joined in on my victimisation by calling time on Life on Mars and Merlin.
Then there was HBO with Rome and the Soprano's... Yes, yes, I know. the black screen at the end, all my fault.
All that I can do is appologise now to anyone who likes Game of thrones or suits as from past experience they are unfortunately both doomed.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I really enjoyed The Following, but I don't know how they do another season. I am looking forward to the next season of The Walking Dead too, even though the last one wasn't great. I hope they redeem themselves.
You'll be the one who's working hard Amanda, while we're all wasting our life away watching TV. I find box sets are the worst. I lost a whole month of weekend on 24 box sets.
Personally except for suits on a Thursday at 21:00 (which stopped last week) I don't even start watching TV until at least 01:00.
As with Kris, the bulk of programs that I watch in series form are in DVD boxsets. Normally puchased either on the back of catching a late night snippet whilst skipping through the freeview channels or some linked sale on Amazon to another series that I would have purchased.
Friday evenings are games nights with my children logging in from all over the country to play Bad Company 2.
Saturday evenings is stick the DVD on.
The above aside I would even think that 22:00 to watch the news was a little bit of an early evening.
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Ah yes, but what time to you get up and go home? lol
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I find box sets are the worst. I lost a whole month of weekend on 24 box sets.
Glad to hear Im not the only one who does this! I watch nothing for months and then out of the blue, a Friday thru Sunday is just lost via duvet and netflix virtual box set!
I've never watched 24 but the other half keeps on about getting box sets, but really don't have time to dedicate to another tv series! Since Lost finished we keep trying to find a replacement with no success!
Still got half of Homeland in sky+ to catch up on, the next series will be on before I get round to watching it!
However was gutted when they cancelled Sarah Connor Chronicles.
-- Edited by Lyndsey on Wednesday 15th of May 2013 05:23:00 PM
Yeah it is like a great thrilling film but hours long! I was having terrible morning sickness when it was on tv, still have about 5 episodes left to watch, but when I get my daughter down to sleep and sort the house I end up watching reruns of QI as don't have the concentration for anything else!
Going off at a tangent here ... if it looks like I'm hijacking the topic, please, Mr Moderator, move it to another thread.
A year or so ago I cancelled my Sky subscription because I felt it was just too expensive for what I was getting: lots of channels, all showing the same programmes (few of which I was interested in anyway) but in a different order or an hour later than the previous channel. I am now left with the free-to-air channels, and I still get all the same programmes (few of which I am interested in) but in a different order or an hour later than the previous channel ... although I have to admit, I do get less of it because I have fewer channels.
Does anyone agree with me that the proliferation of channels has done little to improve the quality or variety of programmes - relying largely on repeats of old BBC/ITV programmes or US imports - and has forced down the cost of advertising so that channels have to devote more and more air time to commercial breaks and restrict new programming, just to survive? Is this an example of too much competition forcing standards down to the lowest level, and where an excess of choice results in small choice, or even no choice at all?
Right, now where's me little black book with my poems in....
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Funny, Was at an interview yesterday for a job in a musical instrument shop and was asked if i listened to classical music, i said "yes, if YOU consider the music of Pink Floyd to be among the classics"
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
It was obviously refering to Floyd as classic music that swayed them.
So, payment in Les pauls and Marshalls then?
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Love it!! I once told an employer I would talk him to death if he didnt give me a job... a year later, I put a pallet full of stock at the rear of his car to block him in, showing him what I would have done if he hadn't have taken my offer.... and a year after that I shrink wrapped his BM to say thanks for taking a chance on a dumb kid
Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two steps forward. When I was doing my AAT, and had a one year old, no one would touch me, so I went to someone and offered to work for free for a month if they would give me a chance.. it was still hard work for the following 10 years, but its the best thing I ever did.. the following 5 years were a breeze and I enjoyed what I had worked so hard for...
But in these days of working family tax credits you can at least get some support for low income whilst picking up the experience.
The Government can have their money back in higher taxes later.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
I lived off Frosties, Tinned tomatoes/Toast and Gingernuts when I was on a low income... Needless to say, Ive gone back to that since setting up in business!! No complaints here tho.. it aint faffy food but its still yum!
Right, sod the bookkeeping. When are you going to be able to get me a genuine Gibson SG at cost, lol.
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.