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Morning all,


I've worked for my dad's small Central Heating company for 9 years (I'll be due a testimonial next April). He had a bookkeeper employed for around 30 years & initially I was employed as a general member of office staff. Years passed & it was decided that I'd start learning about accounts with a view to taking over them when the bookkeeper eventually left. I did AAT to intermediate level with no practical experience but didn't continue from there as the government funding stopped & at that point I was looking to develop a different part of the company. 


During the Christmas break in 2011 our bookkeeper was diagnosed with cancer & so I spent the next couple of months trying to learn the job. Thankfully she recovered & returned during June & basically spent the next 6 months putting right what I'd messed up due to lack of experience. While she was doing that I was doing the work of someone we had to make redundant. Our bookkeeper then decided to up & leave & so numbnuts here was left to pick up the accounts again despite no additional training.


So that's my introduction. I'm getting the hang of the majority of things but there's still plenty of stuff I'm not sure about, mainly because I'm trying to run systems that have been developed by someone who was doing books before I was born. I'm hoping this is the place to get some of my daft queries answered.


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Hi Kev,

welcome tho the forum.

Sounds as though you got pushed in at the deep end on this one.

Whilst its difficult to answer all questions when one is not able to see what's occurin in the accounts as a whole I'm sure that we will be able to point you in the right direction on quite a few things.

If you use Sage you probably won't be talking with myself a lot but we have plenty of experts on here who can tell you whats what.

Lets just hope that this bookkeeper that was doing books before you were born knew what they were doing (sure they did but time served alone is no guarantee of correctness and as you had done the first couple of levels of AAT are you sure that you were the one in the wrong?).

Right, that should have destroyed what little confidence in the books that you had.... My work here is done ;)

Welcome on board Kev, look forwards to chatting,

kind regards,




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"I'm trying to run systems that have been developed by someone who was doing books before I was born"

1985 - thinking back to then I was doing bookkeeping for the family plumbing business in handwritten ledgers. Invoices being typed out on an ancient typewriter with carbon paper being used to keep a copy. Wages calculated using tables and handwritten into wages books. I better stop before it turns into a comedy sketch.

Welcome to the forum.


Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.

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1985, God, thats a lifetime ago Peasie.

Back then I was processing the weekly Payroll for a couple of hundred thousand miners (whilst there were still some left).

We used to get 15 minutes on the computer (green screen) per morning and another 15 in the afternoon. Everything else was manual... Actually, pretty sure that was the year that we got one of these new fangled PCs in the office and I got to play with Lotus 1-2-3 to produce management reports... And look what that led to!

Fun times.



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I passed my driving test in 1986! God seems such a long time ago now. I'm giving my age away!




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I was 2 in 1985!


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Carry on you lot, i feel brand new after reading this lol.

1986 Amanda, i hadn't even begun to contemplate which GCSEs i would be taking, actually i think it was GCEs and CSEs then? and i'd rather have played on a rope swing than have a girlfriend yuck!


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Spamkebab wrote:

i'd rather have played on a rope swing than have a girlfriend yuck!

 Three divorces does that to you as well Neil no



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my first holiday at the seaside, I get lost on the beach. :)
my parents believed that I was drowned

4 years old :) :)


This is just my personal opinion. Advice should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.


P.S. I only ride a motorbike because I want to dry my clothes faster 

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Adrian99 wrote:

my first holiday at the seaside, I get lost on the beach. :)
my parents believed that I was drowned

Have they found you yet?

Is there a reward?????



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Erm............Welcome to the forum Kev.



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Spamkebab wrote:

Erm............Welcome to the forum Kev.



Yeah, welcome to Tangent Central, Kev! 



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Kris you are making me feel very old, and I feel really old at the mo!!!



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1985 also the year I was born :) Welcome to the forum, you do get used to the tangents this forum goes off on!


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Cheers for the welcomes, I haven't used forums for a few years but 5 or 6 years ago I was on loads of them so I know the script with conversations drifting.


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You think that we have a script! lol



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Sorry Shamus for the wrong grammar :) --------- I got lost on the beach :)


This is just my personal opinion. Advice should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.


P.S. I only ride a motorbike because I want to dry my clothes faster 

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Hi Adrian,

I didn't even notice the grammar, it was just a joke related to the statement where your parents thought that you had drowned.

Considering my own grammar I'm really not going to take the proverbial out of anyone elses, lol.



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No scripts? This is better than other forums I've been on.

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