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Post Info TOPIC: Facebook business page likes


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Facebook business page likes
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How do you see the list of who has liked you, on your Facebook business page?

Is there a way of having an account that works more like your personal page, where you can add friends etc?


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I was looking at this the other day! I am sure when I set up mine & my other halfs FB business page it showed who liked you. But it doens't seem to show that anymore! I would be interested in an answer to this myself!

I will see if my brother-in-law knows anything, as he does this sort of thing!

Also, I've noticed if you have a business page like your business page, then it doesn't add to your like total. Or is that just me?! Well its a bit silly as the majority of my clients will be businesses and not people!

Facebook could be a good tool (if you can actually work out how to use it!)


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BTW I've just liked your FB page biggrin


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Hi, I'm not big on facebook, but I don't think you can view your likes. Once you have added to your timeline, or updated your status, you can new your likes to these posts and invite them as friends. Hope this is useful.


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Definitely used to be a way, all I can find is a total & a list of friends who've liked it but I'm looking into it



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Hello all,

You can only see your friends who like a page.

Coincidentally the ICB are talking about member business pages today (or perhaps that is where you got the idea from?)


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Ooh thanks, I can see my number has gone up to 28, but can only see Neil's profile liking me. There must be something in the security settings that doesn't allow non friends to see their likes, even if you have like their business.

I know I set my profile up pretty private!

Michelle - I've just liked your page under my business name, see if you can see me this way :)

-- Edited by Lyndsey on Saturday 18th of May 2013 07:10:16 PM



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Hello everyone, thanks for your responses. I put on Twitter that if anyone liked my page,I would like them back - but I cant tell how I know they have liked me!

Yes, Facebook seems to waste the service that it could offer to a business. Id like to see my page function much as my personal profile does. :)



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Lyndsey wrote:

BTW I've just liked your FB page biggrin

 Thanks Lyndsey.. I actually cant tell its you thats made my like go up by 1!   no   Silly facebook



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Hello people,

You can see who likes tour page (well most of them) it's just a bit hidden.

Click the cog and choose to use facebook as your business. Then click 'see all' in the insights wilndow at the top of the page.
Click 'likes' then click 'see likes'
you do need to have a minimum number of likes to use the insight, but I think it's only about 30.



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Hi Kris... I dont have a "see all" option on my Insights??

Its says - "You need 2 more likes on your Page to get access to Insights about your activity"

This is probably the reason I am having an issue!



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I'll give you one now, maybe some other kind soul will do likewise


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Cheers Kris... I will try your suggestion once I can get into Insights :)



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I can't find your fb page Foxy!

I'm having one of 'those' days



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Arghhh so simple.

Anyhoo i've liked you, not licked, liked!



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Aw thanks! Now I can see new likes.. you have popped up Neil, but for the record, I dont see anyone else in the main list. I have done what Kris suggested and can see a full list within insights.

Thanks so much to all of you for helping me sort this out!

Neil just realised that was you on LinkedIn.. got the notification but havent really logged in... must start using it more!



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I'm not really a big user (of Linkedin) myself, it's kind of a work in progress but i'm collecting people so i'd be chuffed if you accepted Foxy.



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Done-ded :)


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Ahh thank you so much for this, it was bugging me!!!!

All I need now is 4 more likes on my FB then I can get insights wink




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3 more now Lyndsey.

Thanks Foxy, i am now the owner of a big fat chufty badge.


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The really do want to make it hard for you to find information on you page.

Just looking at my other half's business page (which apparently has 34 likes...), but looking at the insights I can only count 26 including myself and the pages which like him. I'm confused!



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Maybe the other "Likees" have settings that mean they are hidden

Liked you :)



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Spamkebab wrote:

Thanks Foxy, i am now the owner of a big fat chufty badge.

 OOOOO a badge!  Jealoussssss!!!!



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I've liked you through my personal account too Lyndsey.. I wonder what happens if you reach 30 and then lose a like? Do you get graded back down? Lets try when you have 30 likes!



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I can only see 19 likees.. Neil is one.. you or your business are not showing... its so weird!


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Did you use the drop down to see pages which like you?



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Oh crumbs!! LOL!! Um, no.... I am in Insights, in Likes and it says "See All" Wheres "Pages that like me"?


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What I am doing is:

"see all" on the insights box
Likes button on top bar
"see likes" from the bar which is titled People who like your page
It brings up new screen box titled "people connected to..."
Just under is a drop down box, default setting "people who like this", if you click on it, is shows - pages, subscribers, banned and admin

I hope that makes sense



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AAAAHHHHHH Clever ladieeeeee!!


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I've just liked both of you ladies

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Argh this is annoying me now!!!

Thanks for the like Kev, I did just see my number go up, but couldn't see by who!

Facebook, should and could be so much easier to use as a networking tool, but they don't really want us unless we pay!

How do people get on with things like Linkedin?

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