I ran the payroll for a new client last week but had no tax office info from the previous bookkeeper (the client said he had no info as he just left everything to her). I emailed her and it turns out she used her own info as was set up as an agent/bureau. So I've registered online and am waiting for my info to come through so I can file the rti stuff. I have until tomorrow to do it but am panicking as I have heard nothing from HMRC. Should I call them? Or wait till tomorrow? I'm also waiting for the accounts office reference from the client but I have a feeling I'm going to have to email his previous bookkeeper for it, along with all the BACS info for the employees. Will they get fined if I put they were paid by cheque even though they aren't just so I can file everything on time?
In the first year I think they will only be issuing fines for the late payment of Tax/NI to HMRC. They are not going to issue fines for the RTI submissions being late. They may send a notice that it was late but there won't be a fine.
The accounts office references (there are two - the PAYE Reference and the Accounts Office Reference) will be on the payslip booklet they get for paying money to HMRC.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
I recently picked up a new client with no gateway details, I rang hmrc to ask for one and told them submissions would be filed in time, they were fine about it
Thanks everyone. Had trouble with the online registration for becoming a PAYE agent so called them and they said there shouldn't be a problem as long as they pay HMRC on time which they will - they are set to pay every three months.