Another quick question from a sage newbie. When I enter the corrections mode in sage 50 it does not let me delete some transactions or edit dates. Is there a way around this to correct a mistake?
Correct. The corrections and deletions it allows depend on the type of transaction and a few other things.
One type of transaction you can't edit or delete is journals. The reason for this is that journals aren't entered as a single transaction, but as a number of transactions (each line on your journal screen when you are inputting them equates to one transaction) that all net off to zero - and there is a danger that if you edit one, you could cause an imbalance. (Sage could potentially allow a limited amount of editing, but instead they allow none).
Reading between the lines - i.e. your other post about the VAT, where you say your sales are entered via journals - I'm guessing that the entries you are trying to edit are the T9 journals to sales so that the correct amount is shown in the net outputs on your VAT return. If so, it's quite easy: Just debit your sales code with the relevant amount, using T9, and credit the same code with the same amount, using T1.
The T9 debit is reversing your original T9 credit, and the T1 credit is posting it how it should be.
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)