1. I have done all my tax returns for my self employed courier business without deducting the private use of fuel, service, insurance and other expenses of the motorbike. I have claimed the expenses in full.
This is for all the tax returns from 2009 onwards.
Should I try to calculate a personal use % of the motorbike or just try to see how many miles were business miles and claim 24 p expense per business mile ?
I need to review all accounts since 2009 so it will be painful as I haven`t kept mileage records until now and I can only estimate based on the fuel receipts.
Reading the posts I have seen that if I start to claim the expenses in the first year I have to carry on like this, I am not allowed to change to claim per business mile.
Still a little bit confused. Please help me if you can.
2. There were periods where I was working as employee courier so I have claimed per mile and also claimed full expenses.
How may I correct this one ?
3. Also I am not sure that I have all P45 or P60 from the places where I have used to work. I want to add up correctly all the employee income.
Does HMRC has all my records from my employment periods ?
Should I contact HMRC and ask for all my P45 and P60 ?
Any information is extremely precious.
Thank you for your help.
This is just my personal opinion. Advice should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
P.S. I only ride a motorbike because I want to dry my clothes faster
You will need to work out what percentage was business and what was personal using the most accurate method you can. Without records, you run the risk of HMRC disputing whatever you say and it being difficult to provide them with satisfactory proof that your figures are correct, but it sounds like estimating it is the only option available to you.
In terms of whether actual expenses or mileage is better for you, the only way to find out is to calculate it both ways and compare the figures.
You will have to take out expenses that relate to periods of employment that aren't allowable.
You can contact HMRC for your employment records but I have found in the past that getting them is a bit like getting blood out of a stone, going back to you old employers may be a better option if that's possible (or can you work it out from payslips?)
I will try to estimate the business mileage based on the invoices I have from courier work. As I know roughly how many miles in a week I have done.
This way it will be easier to explain to HMRC. And I will make a note for every invoice of the business mileage.
Mayy I claim the same 24 p per mile for business use of my motorbike for both periods: employed and self employed ?
Kind regards,
This is just my personal opinion. Advice should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
P.S. I only ride a motorbike because I want to dry my clothes faster