First of all I'd like to introduce myself - I'm Jasper. I've recently qualified as a chartered accountant in practise and now moved into industry. I don't have much experience of using sage on a day to day basis ie)posting invoices, receipts e.t.c as I mainly dealt with it at year end.
I have a question regarding bank receipts.
If I've received monies in from an unkown source where do i post it?! On the bank screen I cannot pay towards the Debtors control account. Do receipts from customers not get posted in the bank screen? Do they have to get posted into the "customers" screen?
Many thanks for what seems like a rather basic question
first thing would be to try to identify what the receipt relates to - is it a receipt for a sales invoice (even if it is not clear which..)
The bank screen has buttons to receive money from customers (if the invoices are posted on sage) if it is not then post is as a bank receipt to a suspense account temporarily with no VAT and correct it later on when you identify what it is.
Hope that helps
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So for monies received from customers you click on "Customer" in the bank screen? And in the same way monies paid to customer gets posted in the supplier screen?
What does the "payment" button in the bank screen do?!
You could do, if you were paying rent to a Company say and they presented you with an invoice for the rent every month. Maybe rates payment would have been a better example of a bank payment.