Hello all, some more basic newbie stuff for you here if anyone could help:
Im currently at the stage where CA is the only module left to study at Level 2, and I believe it has to be studied with a training provider? Or would it at all be possible to self study through a book and take the exam as per the other 4? Though I believe it is a computerised project using Sage.
Assuming a training provider is required, who would people recommend? I've emailed all of the ones I can think of regarding prices, I believe I saw Kaplan selling this module for £300. Wasn't expecting it to be quite that much...
Finally, are there only certain exam periods with this module? What ive seen so far seemed to suggest so... like Summer 2013, Winter 2013 etc. Or is it much like the others, with a flexible approach whereby I take the exam whenever im ready?
At some point in the process you need a training provider. You can do the AAT exam and you need a training provider to atleast mark it. Some offer this service, some just offer the whole unit as one package. It might be worth shopping around depending on your requirements.
It is still possible to use the Sage certificate as part of an exemption from this unit, this option is available from some training providers and saves you from going to a centre and sitting the 3 and 1/2 hour exam.
However, you will need a training provider at some point.
Any questions just post on here.
Kind regards
Nick Craggs FMAAT ACA AAT Distance Learning Manager
Ok so just a couple of questions; so does that mean I would simply need a training provider to sign up with to mark the end of module project?
So if I bought the book, and purchased SAGE for my computer (I believe this is the module you need SAGE for?). Self-studied as per the other modules, and then signed up to take the project... would that be a suitable path?
thats possible but i think you will find most training providers will just sell CA as unit, so you will get the book, tutor support, assignments and final project marking as one item. I dont think many will just sell the final marking, but you might get lucky.
You can do the Sage exam with some providers which will save you paying the AAT exam fee, and traveling to the exam, and paying for marking, so this might be a cheaper option.
Any problems let me know.
Nick Craggs FMAAT ACA AAT Distance Learning Manager
thats possible but i think you will find most training providers will just sell CA as unit, so you will get the book, tutor support, assignments and final project marking as one item. I dont think many will just sell the final marking, but you might get lucky.
You can do the Sage exam with some providers which will save you paying the AAT exam fee, and traveling to the exam, and paying for marking, so this might be a cheaper option.
Any problems let me know.
Ah so by the sounds of it its likely ill have to pay for the whole unit. Not so fun, but figure it is the computer-based unit, so software costs were always going to make it a little expensive.
I've emailed around for costs and such, and I believe you guys seem to offer it at the most affordable price. Might have to send you a pm or something haha, but ive got basic costing to get through first.
Yes I am indeed asking about the AAT Level 2 Computerised Accounting module. Ive already completed the other 4 modules (well, just about to sit the 4th exam), so im not sure if it would make much sense financially to change to another qualification that would obtain the AAT side through exemption? That's just a guess of course, I just wonder whether having almost completed Level 2 whether it would make much sense. That's if I've understood correctly!
Heathrow actually isn't too far from me! About an hour/hour and a half or so. I will send you an email if thats ok as the exemptions are quite confusing to wrap your head around.
-- Edited by EnglishMan on Monday 26th of August 2013 08:47:18 PM
I believe you are talking AAT level 2 computer accounts. It may be worth looking at studying via another qualification and obtaining the AAT via exemption pass this way it will be recognised if you decide to be covered by another membership ie ICB or IAB. The criteria is set as QCF and invigilated. For example we sell an IAB computer accounts course, providing you find a satellite exam centre (listed on IAB website) then the qualification can be used as exemption from AAT. Unfortunately I believe I am too far away from you (Heathrow) for myself to invigilate your exam. Or you could try home study and asking your local adult education centre for the cost of sitting C&G level 2 or similar (they do often charge a registration fee as well as exam fee)
There is a full list of exemptions - email me if you are unable to find and I can forward to you.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900