I have bought a new PC and need to transfer my Sage instant accounts to it, tried without success keep getting an error messge on new PC "you cannot lo gin because MANAGER is making error corrections on machine MHPC2_5788" Can anyone help me, it's driving me nuts.
At which point are you getting this error message? Have you installed Sage on the new PC and did it install ok? Are you getting this error message when you try to log in before you restore your data?
Which version of Sage Instant are you using? I think you need to delete the Queue.dta file, but telling you where to find it depends on the version you are using.
Your Accdata folder should be here:- c:\programdata\sage\accounts\XXXX\company.000\accdata (where xxxx is your version number). Open the accdata folder and scroll down to the queue.dta file and delete it. Sage creates this file every time you log on, so no need to worry about losing it. This path applies to Windows Vista and Win 7, if you have Windows XP it will be a slightly different path.
Just in case you're confused when Pauline refers to the version number as xxxx when yours is 17 (two digits only), the versions are commonly referred to by either number or year.