I'm looking at the correcting errors page at HMRC and there is a whole lists of fields that are part of the RTI submission.
But when I look at the RTI submission that Sage 50 Payroll churns out (just before it finally goes off to HMRC) all that is on the page (relating to individual employees) is
NI Number
Starter (blank)
Leaver (blank)
Irregular (no)
Tax Period
No breakdown of how this liability is arrived at (eg Total pay, free pay, tax, national insurance)
Is this information being sent in the background?
I haven't made an error - it is just something that is baffling me.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
The amount of information that gets sent to HMRC in an FPS is vast, and it wouldn't make sense to put it all on the report because it would be hard to see wood for trees. Basically it includes full details of pay/pensions/deductions/tax/statutory payments both for the current period and cumulatively.