To be fair, whilst there are always little things that need ironing out, I have had no other issues with any of my other clients. They all work with me, and we come together to a place where we are both happy. This one has just been repeatedly causing problems, that dont even have to be there. And its all down to his experience with the previous accountant, and the knee jerk reaction he now gives me, when I say anything. To be fair, the previous accountant, as far as I can see, hasn't really done anything to deserve the actions that the client took. It was a warning in itself, and I had intended to get rid of the job once it was done.
It's not just been the one that has been a pain, face to face hes fine to deal with so no problem there. Its been a number of things and clients that really made me wonder if it was all worth it!!!!
Its the first time I have felt like this. On the whole I have really good clients but some times a combination of things just tip it and then all hell breaks loose. They say everything comes in 3's. Well I won't elaborate but my 3rd bombshell was Thursday!!!
Have a good Sunday whats left of it and tell him to SOD OFF in capitals!!!
Hi Amanda. You can always email me through my website, and I will give you a call if you need to have a rant. It sounds like you have had a crappy time of it. I shall find you address and send you cake!