I have just been approached by a potential new client who has got himself in a bit of a pickle. He is the sole Dir of a Ltd company and has been paying himself and his wife each month (she is below the threshold). He thought he was self employed so didn't register as an employer with HMRC and therefore hasn't been paying any tax etc but he has just realised that he should have been registered with the SA deadline looming
Can anyone suggest what his course of action should be, he is aware there are going to be fines involved but I can't find any information on it anywhere having searched on line.
I am meeting him to discuss putting his company accounts in order but he needs to sort the PAYE situation out ASAP
All advice gratefully received - I know everyone is busy
Or...register now and play catch up, ie just submit late. There is a soft landing for RTI this year so all should be ok. Possibly best to put the director on a basic £641 if applicable and put rest to dividends if any allowable or DLA. Might still get a S455 (I'm so modern Mark!!) if not enough profit after tax to cover the dividends.