Anyone use quick file? I just signed up for quickfile affinity I don't really understand the cost of it tho as it seems really cheap..
Has I ever lost anyone's data, this is what worries me about cloud software
A bit more on price..
So I set up my bookkeeping business and posted the 4 transactions that have happened.. So not much work at all, I looked at the billing status of the account (berg generous of them to give u 10 credit) and it has charged 5p just for that.. So if I look at it different from where I'm hoping to be, say I triple the amount of transactions so 15p a day, for a month that's £4.65 say I have 10 clients then that's £46.50 a month .(
Is this normal? Is there no cloud software that you can have unlimited clients for like £15-20 a month?
I have now transferred 5 set of accounts onto quickfile as I found it very user friendly and great features (importing etc). The pricing is very good compared to other for instance I am showing at present my monthly bill as 4 small companies and 1 medium size company will be £7.22 per month. Compared to similar providers I believe this as a good solution.
There is the free version however it was hard work setting up every account with a new email address, the cost seemed to outweigh this.
Donna Curling - Complete Book-Keeping Ltd (CBKLtd) - 07939 101900