I have received a called today from a potential client who has contacted me about my book-keeping and payroll service. They don't have any account software at the moment and are currently looking at Kashflow, but I haven't used Kashflow before so I would like to re-view this software so that I can be sure that this option is the best option.
At the moment they already employ a company to do their payroll but they are also considering bringing this in-house so when looking at Kashflow I had a look at the option for an add-on which, with Kashflow, is IRIS payroll I believe.
Is there anyone out there that has used or is using either of these software? I would be very grateful if you could let me know how you have found them and what you think the good features/bad features are. I understand it's an internet based software so I need to check that this potential client has a good internet connection, but is there anything else that they should consider.
I think 12Pay can be linked to Kashflow too. A previous client had Kashflow and 12pay, and I'm pretty sure he managed to link up the two to create journals in Kashflow a couple of times.
I didn't really like Kashflow, as it was a bit fiddly - no shortcut keys for things so you had to come out and go back in then come and to go back again. It didn't really flow like Sage or QBs, and you couldn't have multiple windows open. Plus the reports weren't that easy to find, or they didn't have the right formats - seemed to be alot of graphs/pie charts for things I needed CSV files for.
I use Kashflow for some of my clients and think it is a good package. It is straightforward enough for processing and all reports are CSV format so you can download and manipulate however you need. They're not made to look pretty - like you get from Sage etc and that can be offputting for some people, but they work.
The support with Kashflow is great. It's all done via email but they are quick and efficient. I had my fair share of teething problems when I first started and was emailing them at all hours saying 'Help! What have I done!' and they accessed the account told me what the problem was and sorted it out - with my permission of course.
Iris have just bought Kashflow and it does integrate with the Iris OpenPayroll package as well as 12Pay.
If you're worried about using Kashflow - get yourself a free trial and play around with it. There are loads of hidden features so you need to explore and test things out really.
Also if it all pans out and they get Kashfow and use your services, create an Orbit account which means you can access their account seperately, even while they are still in it - brilliant if you are talking through a problem with them or showing them how to post something. I've trained someone on Kashflow this way using the phone and it's great.
Funnily enough I already use 12 pay for payroll so will probably go with that, although I need to speak to the potential new client today about what software we're going to use for the accounts. I think a cloud based software is probably best and I think QuickBooks is around the same price as Kashflow so probably need to look more in depth at this software to see which will suite best, but it's really great to have some feedback.
Kashflow today announced their new pricing structures of which there are 3. £5pm, £10pm, and £15pm.... this is the option you will want Elaine as payroll has now been DIRECTLY integrated into Kashflow! you can file RTI and print payslips through it!