will you be so kind and can you give me free advice (for my test) - I have new employee who has P46 with signed statement A. (So I understand emergency tax code on cumulative basis).. Is it normal - when I do weekly payroll process in SAGE Instant Payroll that his PAYE shows 0.00 numbers? (I have bad feeling about this).
Thank you for al your help.
P.s. 3times I checked his NI number, start date and processing week - everything seems right..
Are you saying his tax is 0.00? If so it could easily be the case depending on how much he has earned. Don't forget as this is a cumulative tax code there is about £192 personal allowance (i.e. tax free pay) per week from 6th April.
if it is a cumulative tax code they need to have earned £3461 up to week 18 which is roughly where we are in the tax year before getting any tax deducted