I have a new client and need to do their payroll but don't have all the info. The basic info is they started payroll 1/4/14, the previous bookkeeper left in August so I need to do the September payroll -I know its late. The only info I have is the last payslip for the 1 employee and the figures online from their tax months.
The info I have is:
Total Gross pay to date 1733
gross for tax to date 1733
Paid paid 0
Earnings for NI 693
national insurance TD 3.84
On HMRC I can see that in 6/505/6 they paid a specified charge of £100 then in 6/6 - 5/7 they were refunded £59 and had to pay £56.31 Employers Ni and £48.96 employees Ni. She is paid monthly approx £400 although sometimes there are extra hours.
I am very confused, I am waiting for Agent status so can't call. I don't have the back up file to upload the data for the payroll as the previous bookkeeper left and the owner can't find it on the PC - I am working remotely.
Any suggestions, trying input the figures into Moneysoft and want to make sure I get it right.
Even if you manage to calculate PAYE/NI for September from the supplied information you don't have enough information to file September's RTI. For that you need the P11 (Tax) and P11 (NI) from the previous software, or it can't be done. Your statements about amounts of NI owing don't seem to tie up with the facts of the employees pay unless they relate to previous PAYE years.
You can't do payroll by guessing the history, I'm afraid.