I use the HMRC Basic PAYE already for one director. I now have to add an existing director (who has not been paid before). I've entered the date this person became a director (2012). But the start date has confused me. Should this be the date this director started to be paid? Also, does this mean they are a new employee or are they an existing employee?
My thoughts are that I use 1Nov2014 and they are a new employee with no P45
This person also receives a little self employed income (but only £200 a month), so I guess I check the box declaring this person has another job?
I would enter the Nov 14 date and if that confuses the HMRC software change the director date to November too, it won't affect anything within payroll. Get the director to complete a P46 and see what (s)he ticks as a declaration, don't just automatically stick him on BR as the tax will be high and he can pay tax on self employed income via his tax return.