Does anyone know of a way to make a one-off (non-taxable) payment for expenses-reimbursement to an employee using Sage Payroll?
Currently I do this by adding a suitable pay element, but the expenses amount stays there in the following month and I have to check all employees and remove the previous month's expenses amount.
It's not a big problem, but it seems an obvious thing for a Payroll software to allow for.
Hi Keith,
You have to do it as you have suggested by creating the extra pay element. Then you have the following choices:
Highlight all employees with the added payment and run through the 'reset payments' module before entering payments;
just zero them out one by one at the 'enter payments' part;
and the one I think you will like most, go to Tasks, Global Changes, Payments, Remove Payments. There you can select the individual payments you want to get rid of.