I hope you are well. Just a quick question if anyone has a moment to answer I would be really grateful. I closed my company in May 2013, I have a P45 after leaving. This shows 3 income boxes on it. Total pay to date £10k, Total tax in this employment £700, Total pay in this employment £5k.
Can I use any of these figures for my Self assessment? I didn't have any other income in the tax year- apart from Maternity allowance from the government (£135.45 from 1/3/13 to 31/10/13). Would I also need to include these too?
Maternity allowance is not a taxable benefit, so would not need to be included.
From the figures from your P45 it sounds as though you worked somewhere else as well during the tax year? You need to put the figures for each employment from 6 April 13 to 5 April 2014, so the P45 that you have, and if you have any other one too. The one you have should also have something in the Total tax to date box too?
Hi helen, thanks so much for your response.
I didn't actually work in the 13/14 tax year at all. and actually after looking at my P45 again, although it is in 2013, it has a leaving employment date of January 2013, so i won't be able to use it for my SA in 13/14.
As I didn't have any work in 13/14 apart from Maternity allowance - and closing down/ finalising the bank accounts/ profits from my LTD company, would I just need to include my final profits/ dividends paid upon closure which I doubt would incur any tax. I am not with my accountant anymore but could maybe check if they have this figure or I could just check the final payment in my bank account - I think I saw a payment for around 3k into my personal account in the September that I think was my close profits/ dividends. I also had a return from HMRC from a overpayment, can I assume that I wouldn't need to include this too?
Yes, correct re the P45. Sounds like the only thing for you to declare will be dividends and your old accountant will be able to give you the figures for those. The repayment from hmrc doesn't need to be included.