I restored a previous back up on my Sage Instant Accounts, as I needed to run the PNL report from the previous financial year. I did speak to Sage about doing this and they informed me that I would be able to then restore the latest back up so that I wouldn't lose all my latest work. However, I cannot appear to do this via the Sage program. I can see the latest back up in the file where they are saved to, but it is in the form of a .001 file and I have no idea how to open this data in Sage.
If I am understanding you correctly, you are saying you took a back up of your "today" version, restored a "yesterday" version to get the PL report, and now need to restore the "today" version back again - is that correct?
Did you take a back-up of the today version, before you restored the yesterday version?
You obviously know how to restore a file, by using File/Restore.. and if you can see the .001 file for today's version, you just navigate to it from file/restore and click restore so it pulls the data into the program??
Sorry if I am misundertanding but it confusing me why you are stuck?
The .001 file extension is a hangover from the days when people usually backed up their Sage data to floppy disc, and the backup might have taken multiple discs. The portion on the first disc would be <backupfilename>.001, the portion on the second disc would be <backupfilename>.002 and so on. Sage's restore therefore looks for (and lists in the load dialogue) files with a .001 extension by default.
You will (or should) have encountered this when you restored the previous backup - that will also have been named <something>.001; you would have restored it by going to Sage's file menu, clicking "Restore" and navigating to where the file is found on your filing system*. You just need to do exactly the same with the new backup.
* I wonder if this is your problem - that you've backed up to a different directory, and don't know how to find it from within the standard Windows load/save dialogue windows? They operate just like ordinary directory viewers (aka Windows explorer windows).
Vince M Hudd - Soft Rock Software
(I only came here looking for fellow apiarists...)