I have a VAT reg Limited Co who have made one small sale 2,000 to Poland. I understand the Intrastat/ EU sales list rules but I am not 100% sure if we need to register for VAT in Poland as there appears to be conflicting advice on web searches.
This was my understanding:
Non-Polish Entities
Non-Polish entities that carry out taxable supplies in Poland are obliged to register for VAT regardless of their taxable turnover.
However, non-Polish entities are not obliged to register if they affect only certain activities, such as for example:
Supplies of goods for which the VAT is settled by the customer (reverse charge)
Supplies of services for which the VAT is settled by the customer (reverse charge)
I always assumed you sent an invoice with both Company VAT numbers and reversed charge but some of my searches say that the limit for sales on a non resident Company are zero, so we WOULD need to register and the customer is saying the same to us??