You need to run the unassigned VAT amounts detailed report (from the VAT menu) and then double click on the amount showing to see the transaction(s) that make up the unassigned amount and take action accordingly. You will need to add a VAT item to the transaction to make it appear in the VAT return. However you need to make sure that it needs to be in the VAT Return and find out why it was missed before. Also if it is a large amount owing (can't remember the actual figure now) it will need to be reported to HMRC.
So, any idea what it relates to then? If it's only £14 then it's fine to include it in this quarter's return, but you need to find out what it was and whether it is an error or not.
Only comment provided was that it relates to year end adjustment and further detail cannot be provided at the moment as they are busy and that the value is very small so not a priority