would you please help me out regarding to sage payroll year end ?
We just found out one of employees has been left out of the process of payroll year -end 2015, which made his payslip carries forward with last year total gross pay as well as the last three months for this financial year. he also paid a big sum of income tax . as he started with us on 01/04/2015.
is there any way we could correct this mistake ? is there any penalty from HMRC for this error?
I dont use sage payroll but most payroll software providers have a facility where you can backtrack, often called rollback, where you can either start again from a previous period, or just correct one persons. Some rely on backups to get you there, although that is not always necessary. My favourite saying on this site is backup, backup, backup. I probably bore people with that but it can mostly get you out of any hole if you do it often enough.
Anyway - Ive found this link. Ive left it on the main page but there is a rollback option - worth viewing all of it to see what suits your scenario.
Strictly speaking the answer for the error penalty is yes, although HMRC now have a pile of codes you can use as 'excuses' and they judge it from the excuse/whether you have done it before/how many times etc. The reason code goes on your re-submission. That said - Ive seen news that HMRC may be being more lenient/mention of a leaked memo or something. Not had chance to keep up to speed with it.