I have recently become a certified bookkeeper through the ICB but although I have many years in previous jobs as a P/L and G/L clerk this will still be new as I had to take a number of years out of work to take care of my son who had Neurosurgery.
I would be very grateful for someone in my local area of Luton to take me under their wing for a period of time in order for me to gain valuable work experience as we all know that its very different transferring all that is learnt from text books in the the real world of work.
I am happy to offer help out for free in order to gain experience.
Please email me on cherswaby@hotmail.com if you or indeed you know of someone else that could help me out.
Also, I saw an advert for bookcert business kit.... Does anyone know if its any good as I dont want to spend money on something that my turn out not to be a that useful afer all?
I believe that the ICB offer a buddy program for people in your position. Not sure how it works but it might be worth giving them a call to see if anyone local to you is willing to help you. Also, isn't one of their big selling points their local networking events where you get to meet other bookkeepers.
I would imagine that there are probably far more looking for guidance than giving it but its worth a punt.
I've not used the Bookcert kit myself so cannot comment. However, it's worth noting that the kit was the product that launched this site which I believe was originally intended as a support site for the kit (they have since delevloped in their own directions). Bookcert is produced by the same firm of Chartered Accountants who run this site which is a good indication of its pedigree.
There are plenty of answers here to answer almost any question that you could think to ask. Simply go to Google and type :
followed by some keywords such as MLR or PII or Marketing or "first client" and start having a browse.
Hope that you enjoy posting here,
kind regrds,
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.
Thank you for taking time out to reply to my post. I had given ICB a call to which they suggested putting up a request on the forum. I am still waiting to get a response back. I believe it could have something to do with the area in which I'm based.
The local networking event that I've been told is near to me ...isnt really that close. Berkshire apparently is the nearest one to me.
The Bookcert Kit is looking more and more likely to be the best route for me but I'll give it a little more time a s I would prefer to help out a Member in Practice.
I had given ICB a call to which they suggested putting up a request on the forum. I am still waiting to get a response back.
Interesting! I too understood from a post earlier in the week that this was a formal buddy programme!
When selling a product its always good to advertise something as a feature that you don't actually provide yourself or offer any incentive for others to provide for you isn't it!
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.