Is there anyone out there that can help me with a Sage issue? I am using Sage 50 with the CIS add on.
I have added a subcontractor however his UTR is not recognised. I have made payments to him but when I come to the CIS return it will not complete as the UTR is not valid.. My question is... How do I remove him from the sub contractors list?
I don't have CIS Sage, in fact I would love to see how it works! I am wondering - If you have made payments to him, why do you want to remove him? Wouldn't it be better to find out what is wrong with the UTR? Has he given you 10 digits? Can you get him to call HMRC to confirm he has given you the right number? Once you know its definitely correct, I'd be calling Sage.
Agree with Michelle. Have you completed the verification process for this subbie before doing the CIS report be holding the CIS return up? I dont use sage either but the verification process must be done as otherwise how do you know what percentage of tax to deduct? (some are nil, some 20% and some 30%).
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
I have been asking for his correct UTR for 2 months. I have called HMRC to see if they can tell me it (they can't obviuosly) So now I am left with having a brilliant CIS add on but cannot use it because I have one person who cannot get his utr... If i was able to delete the transactions and take him out of the equasion life would be so much easier... but Sage won't let me do this.
I've called sage but they want a huge amunt of money to answer just one question!!
so now I have refused to pay him until he can get his utr correct, this however doesn't solve my problem!
Tell him you will deduct tax at 30% if he doesnt get the information to you today? Can you take the UTR out and submit without it (some software will allow this as quite often the registration process hasnt been completed by HMRC when first payments are made.
Failing that - a restore to a previous back up, dont pay him, re-submit?
Unless someone else on here uses Sage CIS. I notice their internet help files on this subject are blocked unless you pay (crazy!!) - out of interest can you access anything through the software help files (far right across the top bar)? They are usually ok up to a point so it might be worth a try.
By the way - do you know how much you paid for it? Doesnt help you now but I use Moneysoft - great price and free helpdesk. Use it for wages too and there are a lot on here who do.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
I'm not infront of my computer right now so can't check, but in the subbies account tell sage that you have verified him with Hrmc and then also manually set the deduction percentage. I would have thought that he would then be included in the Cis3000
Have you actually verified him? You should have a verification number even if 30% from Hmrc which you can also enter manually.
I have the module and it's a nifty add on, but in my view it is overpriced for what it actually does - and I told Sage this . I don't use it for submitting the returns or for verifying subbies, I use moneysoft for that which I already use for payroll and used pre Sage CIS.
It's handy when posting a payment to subbies as it automatically deducts the cis and posts it to a control account. Running the cis300 (I tell sage I've submitted this to hmrc) transfers it to the paye account for the month.