A client took on a new starter & completed a P46. After the first week I received notification from HMRC of previous pay & earnings. However, I entered this within the PAYE tab in previous earnings, instead of the "front screen" of the employee tab. The payroll actually ran fine, she received the correct refunds until she hadnt paid tax in this year. However, HMRC have took it that the tax paid in previous employment was actually deducted from my clients pay, and issued a demand for payment!
I amended everything last night and entered prior earnings where I should have originally, will this be picked up when I submit next weeks payroll online and correct everything?
Yes, regardless of payroll software if you switch earnings from previous pay in this employment to pay in a previous employment then the next RTI filing for that employee should pick up the correct situation at HMRC's end.
Hi Chris
Do you mean via rollback Tom? If so - look on the helpfiles or I seem to recall it was under FAQs under 'rollback' - if you cant find it their helpdesk will point you in the right direction very quickly.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
The tax has now corrected itself, my figures agree with HMRC overall. However, the previous pay figures were entered in Month 8, and the correction in Month 11. As my client pays quarterly, they are receiving letters regarding the "overdue" balance, even though they accepted that it would be cleared in the final payment.
Can anything be done within 12Pay to correct this into the right period?