Please can someone assist with the following Moneysoft queries:
1) HMRC system was down on Friday. I have managed to make submissions today. However 2 submissions I tried to make on Friday are still showing as outstanding - how do I resolve this? Can I cancel and resubmit or how do I get them to now go through?
2) A new 2 Director payroll scheme has been set up from June, Directors' pay is £1,100 each, AE claimed, I have not ticked the box for Director alternative method. No employee NI is showing, the net pay is £1,100. There is employee NI in months 11 and 12. Shouldn't employees NI be deducted on a monthly basis if I am not using the Director cumulative method?
Ive had the same problem with 2 of my submissions 1 from Xero (ugh hate their payroll) and the other from Moneysoft. Got this response from Moneysoft
You should only ever remove a submission if you have checked with the HMRC that they do not have a record of it, and that they are never going to respond to it.
To remove a submission go to TOOLS and ONLINE FILING and SUBMISSION LOG on the menu, and on that screen select the OUTSTANDING tab, highlight the submission there and click the REMOVE button.
Once that is done the program will then show that submission as due and you can file it again.
I spoke to HMRC Saturday and they hadn't received it but was told to wait a few days before I called again, I will give them a call today and see if it has arrived and ask what to do.
Normally, a directors NIC is calculated on a cumulative annualised basis, so that (in general) no NIC is paid in the first pay periods, until the annual threshold is reached. If preferred, the Alternative Directors NIC scheme can be applied, and this treats directors in the same way as other employees, so that the NIC is paid on a period-by-period basis, but then an annualised adjustment is made in the final pay period. This setting applies for the whole year, i.e. you cannot have part the year one way and another part the other.
Thanks so much. I got the same reply from Moneysoft, called HMRC and they said they had not received the submissions and I should resubmit. They gave me a reference in case they are late.
I removed the submissions per above and refiled without a problem. You also have to remove browser cookies beforehand.
On the Directors, for some reason I was thinking it was the other way round, that I have to tick the box for cumulative but you are right. This way they will only have to pay NI for one quarter rather than 4 which saves me having to send payment details so will leave it as it is.