I'm starting to get a bit worried about the auto enrolment pensions now. It's been so long since I did the ICB Payroll Management Diploma that I can't even remember how to process pensions!
Are there any payroll courses that cover the processing of pensions? or have the ICB exams been updated in any way to include this?
I know that I am just a bookkeeper and I'm not allowed to get involved with the pensions but I do want to learn what exactly happens and how to process it.
Is there anyway to get a bit more ahead on this, I know that there is a LOT of information out there with all the details and I have gone through it but it's so unclear, I would rather pay to be taught it and if it means taking a payroll qualification again then so be it.
I feel embarrassed when clients ask me about it and I say 'Sorry, I don't know anything about it'
Am I allowed in any way to help them set it up? obviously I'm going to have to process it through the payroll but how much help am I allowed to give with the admin side?
I've gone through the whole opting in and out process with someone (not actually done it myself) and that was through Nest but I didn't really understand the ins and outs.
I'm tempted to re-do the Payroll Management Diploma anyway just to re-fresh, god help me if anyone went sick or on maternity as it's completely gone from my memory. I started off doing it manually about 10 years ago and had no problems at all with it then but now it's all computerised and done without thinking I can't remember anything because I haven't really had too.
It's absolutely fine to do the admin for the pension side, which you would need to do anyway when doing the payroll. You can also do the set up for them as well, and there's a very good guide on the pension regulators site.
My own opinion on Pensions - and should most definitely not be taken as advice - is this.
For most Employers they won't have had a pension scheme before. They are only doing it now because they are legally obliged to do so (and the ones I've spoke to see it as just another tax). They are not offering it as an incentive to potential employees. The NEST Pension would appear to satisfy this role for them.
Never buy black socks from a normal shop. They shaft you every time.
Hi Rachel,
I've done some good webinars with Brightpay. They have run some of them with Nest. They also do a CPD accredited one at a cost of around £40 which might be worth looking at. I've not done it myself but have been told its good. I'm looking for them re running it. My first two clients have just staged. All good so far. My 'advice ' to them regarding the pension provider they used was to give them should list of the providers my software supported but tell them there were others around and it was their decision which one they chose.
Good luck
NEST have some really good resources including webinars. If you sign up youll be kept in the loop. Also Moneysoft, as I've said before is a cracking piece of software and it does all you need for Auto Enrolement .