I am trying to simplify my monthly reports process. At the moment its such a pain to get a monthly P&L with each month itemised out of VT.
I also make it a bit more complicated as the client I am looking at is Flat Rate VAT, and I record as normal and manually produce VAT returns to make sure we are better off staying as Flat rate.
At the moment, I transfer the transaction list/daybook into a spreadsheet for SIN, SCR PIN and PCR, then I have two tabs that make a GROSS of VAT P&L and NET of VAT P&L.
However, I have to go through carefully in case there are any payments/receipts not done via SIN/PIN, if there are any entries that have multiple analysis lines as only the first one is picked up in the report. Then I have to go through to see if there are any late postings ie last months.
I would love any ideas that could make it easier to produce
I do like this system but would like some more development on it. Is the company still working on it? or has the program been shelved? I just looked at their accounts at Co house, P&L 2014 2.6million, 2015 169,000 and 2016 41,000. It does look to me like they are giving up on it!
I keep looking elsewhere, but cant find anything simple and quick to use. IE I like the universal input sheet, when my clients give me a spreadsheet of say their invoices/sales, I can just format and bung it in there, easy. Everything else seems to be aimed at the clients manually inputting each entry and the bookkeeper/accountant to overview. This is not what my clients want.