I have a question regarding employer pension contribution from an LTD company where my wife is the sole employee.
I understand the company can contribute to her pension.
She does not have the money in the business account as she took them as dividends and salary. Would it be ok to transfer 30000£ from personal account to the business account in order to make the pension contribution from the company? The amount would match the profit the company would make for this year.
Would it be ok to transfer 30000£ from personal account to the business account
That's a lot of money to be asking strangers on a forum to advise you on, as Joanne suggests appointing a suitable professional is the best way forward
These are only my opinions of how I see things and therefore should not be taken as advice
The company I work for often makes lump sum pension contributions for the directors. However this is always done in collaboration with advice from both the accountant and the IFA the company uses for all pension matters.
There are a lot of questions opened up by the original post as to the reltionship between the wife and the business, revenue recognition, existing level of pension holding, was the company in a position to pay a dividend (considering that it now has no money). Which company year are you referring to? etc.
Another case of a post where even the most well meaning advice given here can end up quite dangerous due to the lack of knowledge about the full scenario.
Only advice that I am willing to give echoes the sentiment of others here in that you should talk to the company accountant.
Oh, and remember one golden rule "Dividends can only be taken from profit or brought forwards retained earnings" (no suggestion that you have brokn that rule but just ensuring that you know it).
Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.