Insurance payout
One of my clients has received a cheque from an insurance company in settlement of a repair caused by a third party. I am a little unsure how to treat this. Should I treat it all as income, offset it against expenses on car repairs, or both given what I say below? The repair bill is £280 and the settlement...
Techy help needed please.
Hi Everyone, Laptops, I know I have posted on here before, but we are about to buy 2 laptops, one is for me for my business so thats got to be a good spec and the other is for hubby and my 10 year son to share. Son would like to put minecraft on it so he can play with his brother as his older brother already has his...
Home learning courses for AAT
Hi everyone, I have been looking into home learning courses for the AAT, I have looked at Kaplan, BPP and home learning college, has anyone studied with any of these providers?? its a lot of money and I don't want to make a mistake, I must admit though I am favouring the BPP at the moment, has anyone had any...
Unpaid voulantary 'employee'
What are the rules regarding hiring a voluntary unpaid employee? I am considering whether this is something to use, but am unsure about the rules Also if the 'employee' incurs expenses whilst working for the business, can the expenses be re-paid to the 'employee'?
Accounting homework help
<< Post removed >> This post was removed as it infringes the requirement of supervisory bodies that students complete their assignments themselves. -- Edited by Shamus on Tuesday 25th of September 2012 09:38:40 AM
Help need with my own SA and rental house
HI everyone, I am in the throws of finishing of my books for 11-12, this is early for me as I normally do it in January! I need it for a mortgage application hence its being done early. We brought a house in Feb to rent out (my pension fund), what I am not sure is what I can claim on my SA and what I can't? I have a...
Wages and Dispensation on Sage
Hi, I need some expert advise dealing with the wages journal using Sage. The company I work for include a dispensation allowance for employees that work away paid with their wages. I just need some help with the journals and confirmation that because the dispensation is part of the HMRC flat rate sch...
SAGE 50 Cost Codes
Hello, When putting supplier invoices into Sage 50, I put in the a/c, date, ref, n/c, prject ref & Cost code and amount. I know where to find the OHD cost code but I dont know where to find the Materials cost code to find out what we have spent on materials and where. Please could someone give me an ide...
Accounting Newby
Accruals ........... again
So I've got to grips after asking a while ago about accruals, now however I,ve read about putting things like utility bills through as an accrual to show usage in particular months. What I can't get to grips with is if you get an invoice say in june for march,april and mays usage of say electricity, and yo...
Another marketing quesion - Sorry
Hi Everyone, I am in the throws of marketing again and I was thinking of targeting local Gyms. We have a few local ones to us and wondered if anyone has hit this market with success, or do you all feel that they would do it inhouse instead? I have a standard letter that I send out to the self-employed bods, b...
As i am looking to start my own part time freelance bookkeeping business I followed some of the advice on the resources section. I looked on do-it.org for volunteer finance positions. I applied for a volunteer position and am currently in discussions with someone with regards to me helping them wi...
Elaine R
How many energy companies!... Vent your anger here.
I've just installed a new BT line in my office. Took six weeks to get from online purchase to an installed line but not complaining about that. Last week had yellow pages, Thompson and a couple of other directories finding out if I was new or a relocation. Today, since getting into the office it's been on...
Raising Sales Invoices In Euros
We have some dealings with european countries and have always raised sales invoices in sterling but have just been asked to raise the sales invoice in euros. Just wondered whether this was mandatory or whether we could say we only raise sales invoices in sterling. Roz
Credit card expense or supplier invoice by credit card
Hi all, once again an expenses query. I have a company credit card. Every time I make a purchase on it, I keep the receipt. At month end I submit an expenses form which I enter into Sage with myself being the supplier for reimbursement. However, if the expenses item was paid by credit card, I enter that...
Bookkeeping Debits and Credits Help!!
Hi, I am wondering if someone can help explain the debits and credits. I am a bookkeeper and can do most things but when it comes to reversing a journal i get it wrong every time. How do i reduce my wages control account as i posted a bank payment to it and now want to allocate the paye etc. I also posted 2 sa...
Advice on putting an expense system into place on Sage please!
Hi there, I have client who has 3 - 5 people who work for him on a regular basis. The company are putting their accounts onto Sage... my job! At the moment the SE workers are submitting invoices with their hours worked combined (added to) the amount of 'out-laid' expenses totalled together. The receipt...
Bank Rec Help pls.......
Hi there all, I wounder if u guys can help. Last month, one of the Directors took £528 for personal use and when I saw the transaction I questioned it and I said I will do my bank rec in few days so I need that money back in to the account, and he agreed as he said he doesn't want his partner to know about it, so on...
Sponsorship as expense?
Hi, Strange question, but am interested in some learned views on legitimacy of claiming VAT and possibly the expense of a sponsorship for a local sporting club through a business. Hasten to add not somethign we are doing, but came across a chap at our local Tennis club who "claims" to be put...
Purchase of season tickets for premier league football club
A client has puchased a season ticket for a premier league club for themselves using cash from their business - should this be allocated to DLA - or is such an expense justifiable?
specifying report layout in sage
Is there a way to specify what data groupings can be shown on reports in Sage? For example, when I run a P&L - all sales relating to 'services' are shown under the service heading. However, when the data was initially keyed in, I had broken down the 'services' even further i.e. Service type A, B, C etc...