Quickbooks Customer Account Receivable - 'Amount Due' mismatch
Hi, Please could someone help me! I have an overseas Customer who pays in GBP. The amount owed in the Customer Balance Detail report, Customer Balance Summary and the Open Invoice report are all okay. BUT! The total showing as owed in Receive Payment, and in the 'Amount Due' box on a statement when I c...
Rachel Joyce
More than one company set up in Sage Instant?
Last financial year the company was a partnership and it's just been registered and is now limited. Some of the details have changed. I thought the easiest way of continuing in Sage Instant would be to set up a new company, but I can't find this option, it always defaults to the existing one with the on...
Hi everyone, I have a problem with my assignment. I got confused a little bit with it and I will be really happy if someone can help me. So this is my assignment: She is Director with Standard personal allowance tax code. Her anual salary is Tax Threshold. Is that mean 7755 per year? --> 646.25 per mon...
Financial year: Sage instant
Hi Wonder if you can help me? I have just passed my Level 2 exams with the IAB and am looking to take control of my husbands business by doing our own books. The company was incorporated in March 2012 but we are now in our 3rd year of trading as of April 2014 onwards. What would I put as the FY in Sage? The date it...
Sophie Ryan
directors loan account
Hi How do I pay a purchase invoice from a Directors Loan Account - the Loan account is not set up as a bank account thanks in advance
Sage Instant Accounts - Entering old receipts
Hi, I'm relatively new to Sage Instant Accounts and have come across a problem. We are a plumbing and heating company and have lots of invoices and receipts for tools and fuel purchased before the company had a bank account set up. During the start up we also used our own cards and cash for some purchases...
Sage nominal for building work on leased property
The title says it all, really. A company has a short term (2 year) lease on a nightclub and they are doing some building work to improve the club. It's an operating lease so the club isn't an asset of the business so this must be revenue spend. Any idea how to post this to Sage? Thanks.
Spreadsheet template
Hi, does anyone have a template for a spreadsheet showing a cash account and a bank account? Sam
Wage Journal on Sage 50: NIC Funding received
Just when I think I'm in control of my monthly Wage Journal..... We outsource our payroll - the P32's for month 1 and 2 shows the NIC-ERS under 'Funding Received' therefore reducing the Total Due to HMRC. The Director's have obviously agreed something with the Accountants and not told me. They are un...
Posting negative PAYE on Sage 50
Hi I'm new to the forum and wonder if anyone can help with the following. An employee has had a PAYE refund for the last 3 months and now I have to enter the bank payment to HMRC on Sage. I've entered the monthly payroll journal as follows for each of the 3 months 7000 Gross Wage DR 647.00 7006 Employer N...
Department codes not working in Sage
I have recently joined a company which has nearly 60 department codes. When setting up customers, we go in to the 'Default' tab in customer record and select the correct department. Now my boss wants a report on a certain department and Sage doesn't recognise them. I have have found 20 accounts that ha...
12 Pay change of dates
Hi ! Does anyone know how to keep the last working day as 30.04 if I want to set up payment date for April as of 27.05.Whenever I try to do this it changes automatically the last working date and actually it jumpes to month 2.I'm a company director and most of the time I'm being paid on different dates of the...
Many years with Money Manager now VTT+
I am mystified by Analysis Ledger / Analysis Account in VTT. For an example: if I want to enter a transaction where a pension amount is credited from PEN to my current account CAC and I want this to appear as an increment to my Pension 'thing'; how do I enter all this in terms of Analysis Ledger and Analysi...
Sage and Flat Rate Scheme
Can Sage cope with FRS? Is anyone using it that way? I have change the company preferences to show "Flat Rate - cash based" but cant see a code, in configuration, to enter the rate? I only see the "flat rate capital asset". -- Edited by FoxAccountancyServices on Wednesday 21s...
Recording Pre Reg VAT in VT+
Hi I have a client who recently registered for VAT and I am ready to do the first VAT return. I have roughly £500 worth of reclaimable VAT from before they registered and want to include that in the return. My first thought was to journal DR VAT input CR Net VAT due. That works for showing the VAT return as...
Recommend Invoice Software thats also links to quotes
Hi all, I have a new client that is lookking for invoice software which he can also do quotes on. He wants it so that the quotes can be automatically turned into a sales invoice when the job has been accepted. Can anyone recommend any software or online services that can do this? Thank you
Prepayments + VAT on Sage Instant
Hope somebody can help with my problem. Paid rent (3 months in advance at £1,700 + VAT per month) by cheque, amount £5,100 + VAT, total £6,120. I know that I have to Dr Prepayment account and Cr Rent, but do I include the VAT? How do I then do the adjustments at Month End? Really hoping someone can help becau...
Rant - Unforgiving Sage
I can understand the need to keep transactions for an audit trail and all that. But a simple mistake of using the wrong date and you have to reverse the transaction and then re-post it using the correct date. You can't just edit the journal date - no you have to have "Reverse" transactions. Wh...
VT - custom transactions
I like to have certain journal entries set up as custom types ( Wages, Prepayments etc) so that when the Transaction Report is run they are separate from the rest. When I click on the "CTX" button I'm given the option of : Classic Style Trial Balance Style Import for each new type of custom jou...
Squaring up bank payments for invoice I should not have paid
I need some instructions on how to record a payment made to a supplier against an invoice that was raised by them against another company! Unfortunately the wrong invoice became stuck to the back of a correct invoice and I did not see the address on this before going into my on-line bank account and payi...