SAGE nominal codes
Hi, I am new to Sage so apologies if this is an obvious / basic question. I have entered a fair few invoices and then wondered if what I have done is in fact correct. The company purchases components from company a and then installs them. I set up a nominal in the sales section which is "Company A compo...
Sage Payroll Query
Could someone advise where the report is on sage for " An employee that works different hours each week and would therefore have a different income. It is part of the payroll course but I can not seem to find the correct report. I think the version I have is V10 but not 100% sure. Michelle
Quickbooks any help please
Hi there, I have just gained another client; and they use quickbooks which I have never used (they know this) as I have only used sage before, I will find out which version they are using, and I will also buy quickbooks to work from home with as well, any advice on what versions are out there, costs etc, if m...
Julie Hall
VT+ Query
Having not long started using this I have a query on disallowable expenses. VT includes them before giving nett profit or loss. My understanding (maybe wrongly) is that if they are disallowable they should show after nett profit has been calculated. For example Nett profit £20,000 Drawings (...
Debtors report with VAT from Sage
Hi Can anyone tell me how I can run a debtors report from Sage, that splits the amounts into net, VAT, Gross? Thank you.
It's time for a dumb Friday question
I've been looking at Andica Tax software and the different prices. They have prices for 1 return, 5 returns, 25 returns. I don't think I'd need as many as 25 but will need more than 5. How does this work? Do I buy the first five and then get a licence key (?) for the next batch of five.
Sage V17-money received in a discount section instead of receipt
Dear All, I use Sage V17. I made a mistake when was processing customer receipts. I entered the amount of the money received in a discount section instead of receipt. Could you please tell me how can I delete or correct the mistake? Many thanks for your help.
Unallocated cheque in SAGE
I am trying to reconcile a bank statement and am -£20. I know that this is a refund that was given by a supplier. I have looked at the supplier account and indeed the balance is -£20. I have obviously entered this wrong at some point as when I go into pay supplier and try to clear it it says there is an unalloc...
Can some one help me my memory has gone blank how do I post paying in slips in the sage accounts as im trying to reconcile our banks.
Please help - I need to delete company data
I was trying to see how I did something on the a previous sage company accounts to see if it was the right way to do it for my current client. I dug out a back up of the previous client's back-up file I had sent someone some time ago from my email sent items and restored it, it required user name and passwor...
Software advice
Hi Does anyone know the best Sage software I should use when setting up a book-keeping business to carry out accounts for sole traders? I want to have approx 10-20 clients and want to ensure I buy the best Sage accounts package. Does anyone also know about the new Sage One on-line facility? Thx in advan...
Which accounting software?
Hello everyone, Out of all the accounting software i.e. Sage, Quickbooks, TAS software, Bank Link etc which one would you start to purchase? Moreover, should I purchase more than one accounting software? Please can someone advise me on the two questions above. Kind regards David
David Rosario
Sage Instant v12
Hi Just joined the forum and have a question about using Sage Instant v12. Is it possible to amend the chart of accounts so that it does partnership accounts. I've amended the individual accounts but, for example, the balance sheet is still showing "share capital" . . . I'd be grateful fo...
VT Cashbook and accountant reconciliation
I am currently using VT Cashbook and need to enter the figures that my accountant sent to me that I need to post onto my accounts system in order to correct my opening balances. Also he's advising me how to do it on Sage, I can't find how to do it on VT. Any help?
Excel Spreadsheet Template
Good Evening All I have just taken on my first client and he would prefer his books done in Excel. Does anyone know where I can get a good Excel Spreadsheet Template from? I tried to get him to try VT Cashbook but he wants to see it via Google Docs whilst I am on it too and from what I can see I don't think we ca...
New software - a tip
When installing new software that stores data (as accounting software does), start the programme with the minimum amount of data it will allow and back up. This gives you a blank set of data which you can re-import later. Really useful when learning software, it saves having to work out how to undo s...
Sage report to show chart of accounts?
Hi Im hoping someone can help me, Im looking for a report to print in Sage instant accounts that will show all of my nominal accounts but also where they will appear in the chart of accounts. I can view the chart of accounts on screen to check my coding structure but can only find the option to print one sect...
jacky S
Quickbooks Support
Hi there, I have just purchased quickbooks and signed up to the support for a year, but I have 30 day free trial and can cancel within the next few weeks, does anyone have any experience of the support (I know it is based in India) and if so is it worth it? Thanks
Julie Hall
Quick Books query - balance on Aged Creditors but not on supplier account
I am reasonably new at QB (2010 PRO) but know other packages fairly well so I dont understand the logic of the following: At year end the aged creditors report shows a balance on a supplier of -773.90 When I look at the supplier via Supplier Centre, the list on the left hand side shows a balance of zero. Whe...
Recording bank charges and interest VT cash book
When trying to add a card fee and credit interest to a credit card account it is not letting me enter it unless I use the 6 digit code. I assumed this code was for inserting the numerical receipt no of stuff purchased. On sage you have a transaction no (automatically allocated then you can choose to put a...