Moneysoft Payroll Manager - holiday pay for employee already issued a P45
Hi I have 2 employees that have left and have already received their P45's but are due holiday pay. I understand that I have to write to the tax office and give them details of the extra payment. I am now trying to process the payroll and holiday pay accrued - I am using Moneysoft Payroll Manager - do I need t...
Holiday pay calculation
Hi I have a client who runs a business that s open 11 months of the year and in the month that it is closesd all the employees are paid there holiday pay. All the employees have irregular hours and are paid hourly. I'm wondering what the best way is to calculate their holiday pay, I know that HMRC have a way...
Employed and self employed ni
Hi there, If I'm employed and self employed and paid class 1 ni via employment (paye) in 14/15 and then paid class 4 and class 2 via self employment in my 14/15 tax return as I am over the threshold for when it is due. Have I overpaid national insurance then in my employment as I am paying in my self employme...
Pink Panther
Flat rate scheme in the accounts
Hi, I feel a bit stupid asking this question (probably should know as I've dealt with it before years ago) I have a client who changed to the VAT flat rate scheme. I don't actually know how to put this into the accounts, do I use the total income figures (including the flat rate vat) or the net of FRS vat inco...
First Job - am I mad?!
Hi all I'm new here and so happy to have found this forum as you seem a really helpful bunch and I could use a reality check. To give you some background I have been working for many years in finance roles for big corporates. I have never done any bookkeeping for small businesses. I completed my CIMA exams b...
Does anyone use a programme like DocuSign for a quicker and easier way to get tax returns signed?
Hi, I hope I haven't posted this question before! Does anyone use a a programme like Docu Sign for sending tax returns to clients to sign to save time? and have any recommendations for which one to use? I had a look at Docu SIgn for £20.00 per month and an Adobe one for £30.00 pm. I was hoping to spend a little...
Working for an accountant whilst still in training - regulations
I am on level 3 ICB so not yet able to have my own practice. My accountant would like a part-time bookkeeper but does not want to employ me, or anyone else, as a staff member but would like to put together a contract. This contract would state that the ad hoc work is to give me "supervised work"...
The Cyclist
Good Evening All, I am after insight on bookkeepers' role who are self employed as part of my future planning and to get an idea of how things are done in the actual world. As mentioned in the past, I have financial management and commercial management work experience but I've never experienced a compl...
Maria LR
Partnership tax returns
Hi People, First dumb question of the year I used Andica for a partnership tax return . The client wants a copy of the SA800 but Andica doesn't seem to reproduce the standard one on HMRC's website . Does anyone know why ? Or haven't I found it in the software? Georgie
Attachments warning
Hi all, I think that all of us with any sense know not to open attachments. However, just a warning about one way that scammers are attempting to instal randsomware on peoples PC's. The pond scum are trawling through bookkeepers and accountants websites looking for contact details and sending email...
JRNL for a part exchange that cost nothing....
Sorry to Vince who already part answered this question for me on another thread (which I now can't find) I'm getting a muddle, the asset that was part exchanged cost nothing, zero and is in the fixed asset account as zero, so I want to show the 18,000 profit on the sale of the asset but I'm muddling up ever...
Cloud Pricing - Pricing In the Cloud
Has anyone tried software called Pricing In The Cloud? I just watched a webinar by its creator, Mark Wickersham, and it looks interesting. Whenever I look into "value pricing", all I find is advice about sales, marketing, and the importance of value pricing, but no information abo...
is there anyone who can check my journal for a part exchange asset please
Hi Is anyone able to check my journal for me please? I want to be sure that I have entered this correctly, and on the journal I'm not sure how to post the 14,900 Thanks in advance for any help!! Asset list price74,500.00VAT14,900.00Finance charge8,300.00Admin fee95.00 97,795.00 Part- Excha...
Last question before the deadline (I promise) do you have to claim all available capital allowances?
Hi there I have a client that does not need to use the full capital allowance available, can I just use the amount that brings the profit down enough to not pay tax? rather than using 18% of WDV plus additions? Sorry for all the questions, this is by far the most complicated return I have done yet (and it's s...
P&L and B/S for tax return
Hi I'm sorry for the bombarding of questions I've not done much of this work before I'm just about to finish a set of accounts, I have the profit & loss and balance sheet. On my printed copies from my software I want to take out the depreciation for the tax return, which is fine I've done that BUT wha...
Part-exchange with an asset 'aquired'
Hi Can anyone tell me how I should deal with this. A client has bought a new tractor which was part exchange for an old tractor and vat was paid on the part exchange. This old tractor has never been recorded as an asset, it was acquired from my clients father in exchange for covering his work when needed. T...
Using VT - business becomes vat registered part way through the year - cash accounting
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me as I've not dealt with this before. I have a client whose accounts I do annually. They became VAT registered during the 2014/15 tax year, I haven't started yet but I am hoping to use VT for this one. My question is if the business became vat registered part way through th...
Is this legal? file a estimated tax return then file an amendment ?
Hi, I don't think I am going to get all my clients tax returns filed in by the deadline (they brought the paperwork in very late) I wondered if this is actually allowed or legal) Am I allowed to file a return with estimated figures then a few days later (after the deadline) file an amendment? Thanks Rachel...
Capital Allowances on Hire Purchase Plant & Machinery
Hi, I'm a little confused on claiming capital allowances on Plant & Machinery purchased on Hire Purchase. I've read through a lot of HMRC pages and I think you can claim the actual cost of the asset but not the interest - is this right? Thanks in advance Rachel
How do you put a price on a bookkeeping job?
I'm an experienced bookkeeper, but I've always worked as an employee for an hourly rate. I'd like to do some freelance work, but I want to charge a flat price, not an hourly rate. One option is "value pricing", where I simply ask the client what they think the work is worth. Even if I do that, I...