Paying off CIS invoices in Sage with 2 different tax codes
Hi I am using Sage and entering a subcontractors invoice like this: (It's cash accounting - no idea if this makes an difference?) Total 2016.00 CIS 403.20 total due 1612.80 So I am entering the invoice as an invoice and credit A/C N/C Net T/C Subcontractor ...
Opening balances into Sage
Hi, I'm probably sounding like a total idiot and people are thinking how in the hell do I have any clients now. But really, I am finding it difficult to remember anything using so many different softwares!! everyone is on something different, I've always used Sage and excel, then stopped using Sag...
payment in cash
Morning, I was having a chat with a client yesterday and in passing he mentioned doing work for cash. He is a Ltd Co and I am not 100% certain he meant he was doing work and getting paid cash i.e. no invoices but that was what I think he was implying. How would you approach this with him? He isn't VAT reg so n...
Trusts & Capital Gains Tax
Trusts & Capital Gains Tax I am hoping someone can help me regarding a problem I am having with CGT. My client transferred his share of property and land to a trust in June 2010 to avoid the increase expected in the CGT. The Capital gain was then declared on his self assessment and CGT tax paid based o...
lots to learn
What is the correct name for a builder who did some work for you that is not a subcontractor?
Hi, I've been meaning to ask this question for sometime but as it's not massively important, kept forgetting. I have a few clients that are builders and contractors and have subcontractors who they pay through the CIS scheme working for them. Then they have the odd invoices from other builders - wha...
Best software for cash accounting? Sage?
Hi, I have had nothing but trouble doing the bookkeeping for a client who is cash accoutning. First I started with VT, what a mess that turned out to be. Then I used excel spreadsheets which was fine but it was too much information over to many spreadsheets. So now I am thinking of putting it all on to Sa...
Wording on agreement to bookkeeping/accounts subcontractor
I am thinking about outsourcing some bookkeeping. I'm also thinking of outsourcing accounts for Ltd companies as I don't think I know enough to do those really (I have a few clients where I do the bookkeeping and they would like me to sort out the accounts for them to save them having to deal with two peo...
Company name
can a company called Fred Bloggs Limited for example change the layout of their invoices to FB Limited? They are vat registered. And I've only just noticed this change on their invoices to customers Georgie
continuity of practice
Hi everyone Apologies for being so direct but I require help in one of two ways. I'm looking for a bookkeeper in the North East who would be prepared to enter into a verbal agreement to become my nominee to satisfy the IAB requirements re. COP. It is the last piece of admin task I have outstanding prior to...
ian scott
Wages journals in VT??
Hi, can anybody help me with this. I can't work out how to enter the wages journals in VT I have written in black what I would have done in Sage and in red what I think I do in VT - although I have no idea about the gross wages. DR 7000 Gross wages 22,256.92 DR 7006 ER's NI 96.51 (expenses - employ...
I wish someone had told me...
Ok. Bit cheeky I know but i'm about to start marketing my bookkeeping business locally and hopefully starting to talk to clients... What words of wisdom would you share, if there's one thing you wish you had known before you had started out?
Child minder
I have a full time child minder as a client. She works at least 40 hours a week. She is going to buy a verandah for the garden mainly so that the children can still play outside when it is raining. This will cost max £5000. Can she claim a proportion of it through the business? Thanks
Blonde Accountant
PI Insurance
Hi! Newbie here! Have just had my first baby and it's given me the motivation to finally set up on my own as a bookkeeper! I've got wheels in motion with most of the things I need, but I'm now looking at insurance. I've so far had quotes ranging from £250 to £950 and am getting lost amongst the different...
CompanyCheck / Duedil - now charging for documents
I remember both of these saying that while they may offer premium services at some point in the future the downloading of the latest documents would always be free. Well now Duedil are advertising all Companies House documents available on their site but you can no longer download the latest account...
Palez vous Francais?
Hi, I am meeting a potential new client tomorrow and wondered if someone could help me . They work mostly in France but live here and will be setting up a limited company. As this is something i am not familiar with I wondered if there were any pitfalls as i am assuming at the moment that he will be invoici...
Discretionary Trust - does it need to be dissolved ?
Hi I am hoping someone can help. I have been involved with a client who had a discretionary trust set up to transfer some land and property at this point the CGT was paid. The land and property were sold in 2013 and the Trust and Estate Tax Return were completed for the year to show the disposal. The trust...
lots to learn
VT Ltd Co - what account to use for drawings
Hi, I am doing the bookkeeping for a limited company on VT. There are a lot of drawings going through the bank account, last year I did it all on excel and all the drawings came under drawings on the spreadsheet and sent to the accountant. This year I am running out of time and set it all up on VT (100 times qui...
How to make an adjustment to a partnership return already filed.....ahhhh
Please can anyone tell me how to make an adjustment to a partnership return that I have already filed? I know how to make adjustments to the 2 self-assessment returns for the partners (I think so anyway......I saw an option when I log in to make an adjustment) I used TaxCalc for the partnership return,...
Employed then self employed
Hi I've just had a call from someone who was made redundant from their little part time job and has then gone back on a self employed basis earning less than £100 a week. Can they do this? Georgie
Sage payroll journals - total balls up!
Hi I hope someone can help I've made a right mess. Using sage, entering wages journals and bank payments. I've made a massive mistake somewhere, and somehow put a wages figure in twice somewhere. I think what i have done is made the journal below and then when the wages had been paid from the bank ente...